Tiny BASIC for the MEZ68008

Primary LanguageAssembly


Tiny BASIC for EMUZ80-68008

Personal use only


Macro Assembler 1.42 Beta [Bld 229]

Address Map

0x0000 - 0x3FFF  ROM
0x8000 - 0x9FFF  RAM

0xE000   ACIAD
0xE001   ACIAC

*								 *
*		Tiny BASIC for the Motorola MC68000		 *
*								 *
* Derived from Palo Alto Tiny BASIC as published in the May 1976 *
* issue of Dr. Dobb's Journal.  Adapted to the 68000 by:	 *
*	Gordon Brandly						 *
*	R.R. 2							 *
*	Fort Sask., Alberta, CANADA				 *
*	T8L 2N8							 *
*								 *
*								 *
* This version is for MEX68KECB Educational Computer Board I/O.	 *
*								 *
*    Copyright (C) 1984 by Gordon Brandly. This program may be	 *
*    freely distributed for personal use only. All commercial	 *
*                      rights are reserved.			 *
