
JQuery Select Package for Make Select Option more Beauty

MIT LicenseMIT


JQuery Select Package for Make Select Option more Beauty

Quick Setup

Easy to use this package, first for all you have this plugin script and JQuery. After that insert all assets to your code


<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/select-beauty/dist/css/select-beauty.css">


<script src="assets/select-beauty/dist/js/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="assets/select-beauty/dist/js/select-beauty.stable.min.js"></script>

Example Select

<select name="work-condition" id="work-condition" class="form-control">
  <option value="1" icon="iw-way">Remote Location</option>
  <option value="2" icon="iw-crane">Work From Height</option>
  <option value="3" icon="iw-scope">Field Visit</option>
  <option value="4" icon="iw-excavator">Active Machinery</option>

Initiate Script

var beauty = new SelectBeauty({
  el: '#work-condition', // element with only id selector
  placeholder: 'Select Something...', // placeholder for button
  length: 5, // max length to show the selected items
  max: 10, // max length to select the item
  selected: [1,3,7,17] // set default selected value

Other Functions

Using select-beauty package, we have some function to make more easy for using this script

Functions Description
instanceName.reload() This can use for reloading the beauty-select
instanceName.getTemporaryData() For creating new temporary data from select option. And use the instanceName.tempData to get the temporary data as object
instanceName.selected Will return value of the select option as array


Select Beauty