#!/bin/bash # Auto Install Tools v.2.1 # recoded By Satrio Kusbiyantoro # gausah ganti copyright kalo mau di hargai :) # Bersihkan Layar clear blue='\e[0;34' cyan='\e[0;36m' green='\e[0;34m' okegreen='\033[92m' lightgreen='\e[1;32m' white='\e[1;37m' red='\e[1;31m' yellow='\e[1;33m' ################################################### # CTRL C ################################################### trap ctrl_c INT ctrl_c() { clear echo -e $red"[#]> (Ctrl + C ) Detected, Trying To Exit ... " sleep 1 echo "" echo -e $green"[#]> SMKN 1 Kertosono ... " sleep 1 echo "" echo -e $white"[#]> Satrio Kusbiyantoro Wuzz Here ... " read enter exit } echo -e $red" ___ ___ _______ ____ ____ " echo -e $red" / / \ | | | | | | echo -e $white" /__ /_____\ | | __| | | |" echo -e $white" / /\ | | \ | | |" echo -e $red" / / \ | | \ | ||" echo -e $red" ***********************************************" echo -e $white" # $red toolkit for hackers v2.1 $white #" echo -e $red" # $red happy fun guys $red #" echo -e $white" # $red contact: erik_susanto30@yahoo.com $white #" echo -e $red" # $white greetz :Kesendirian Nak SMKN 1 Kertosono $red#" echo -e $white" # $white copyright : Satrio Kusbiyantoro $white #" echo -e $red" # $white thanks to : SMKN 1 Kertosono $red #" echo -e $white" ***********************************************" echo "" echo -e $green" 01) Red Hawk" echo -e $green" 02) D-Tect" echo -e $green" 03) Hunner" echo -e $green" 04) WPScan" echo -e $green" 05) Webdav" echo -e $green" 06) Metasploit" echo -e $green" 07) Kali Nethunter" echo -e $green" 08) Ubuntu" echo -e $green" 09) viSQL " echo -e $green" 10) Ngrok" echo -e $green" 11) Torshammer " echo -e $green" 12) RouterSploit " echo -e $green" 13) Hydra " echo -e $green" 14) Weevely " echo -e $green" 15) SQLMap " echo -e $green" 16) Dirbuster " echo -e $green" 17) admin finder " echo -e $green" 18) lokomedia exploiter " echo -e $green" 19) elfinder exploiter " echo -e $green" 20) magento add admin exploiter " echo -e $green" 21) scanner tools " echo -e $green" 22) katoolin " echo -e $green" 23) arch linux " echo -e $green" 24) linux fedora" echo -e $green" 25) hash-buster" echo -e $green" 26) aircrack-ng" echo -e $green" 27) joomscan" echo -e $green" 28) mailer sender cli" echo -e $green" 29) Wordpress Brute Force" echo -e $green" 30) Oh-myzsh theme for termux" echo -e $green" 31) instabot (instagram bot)" echo -e $green" 32) fsociety" echo -e $green" 33) Cms Scanner" echo -e $green" 34) Information Gathering" echo -e $green" 35) com_fabrik exploiter" echo -e $green" 36) com foxcontact exploiter" echo -e $green" 37) installing ezsploit" echo -e $green" 38) installing spammer grab" echo -e $green" 39) installing spammer toko pedia" echo -e $green" 40) TheFatRat" echo -e $green" 41) exit" echo -e $green" 40) exit" echo -e $white"" read -p "[Satrio Kusbiyantoro]> " bct; if [ $bct = 01 ] || [ $bct = 01 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Red Hawk " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install php apt install git git clone https://github.com/Tuhinshubhra/RED_HAWK echo -e $green" Done Install Cuk " fi if [ $bct = 02 ] || [ $bct = 02 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing D-Tect " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git apt-get install python git clone https://github.com/shawarkhanethicalhacker/D-TECT echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 03 ] || [ $bct = 03 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Hunner " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt install python apt install git git clone https://github.com/b3-v3r/Hunner echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 04 ] || [ $bct = 04 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Wpscan " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt install ruby apt install curl apt install git git clone https://github.com/wpscanteam/wpscan cd ~/wpscan gem install bundle bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries bundle install ruby wpscan.rb --update cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 05 ] || [ $bct = 05 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Webdav " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install python apt-get install python-pip pip2 install urllib3 chardet certifi idna requests apt install openssl curl pkg install libcurl mkdir webdav cd ~/webdav wget https://pastebin.com/raw/HnVyQPtR -O webdav.py chmod 777 webdav.py cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 06 ] || [ $bct = 06 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Metasploit " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install git apt install wget wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verluchie/termux-metasploit/master/install.sh chmod 777 install.sh sh install.sh echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 07 ] || [ $bct = 07 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Kali Nethunter " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install git git clone https://github.com/Hax4us/Nethunter-In-Termux.git cd ~/Nethunter-In-Termux chmod 777 kalinethunter sh kalinethunter echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 08 ] || [ $bct = 08 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Ubuntu " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install git apt install wget apt install proot git clone https://github.com/Neo-Oli/termux-ubuntu.git cd ~/termux-ubuntu chmod +x ubuntu.sh sh ubuntu.sh echo " Fix network please wait " sleep 1 echo "nameserver" > /data/data/com.termux/files/home/termux-ubuntu/ubuntu-fs/etc/resolv.conf echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 09 ] || [ $bct = 09 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing viSQL " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade pkg install git pkg install python git clone https://github.com/blackvkng/viSQL.git cd ~/viSQL chmod 777 viSQL.py cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 10 ] || [ $bct = 10 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Ngrok " sleep 1 apt install wget mkdir ngrok cd ~/ngrok wget https://bin.equinox.io/c/4VmDzA7iaHb/ngrok-stable-linux-arm.zip unzip ngrok-stable-linux-arm.zip cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 11 ] || [ $bct = 11 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Hammer " sleep 1 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install git git clone https://github.com/cyweb/hammer cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 12 ] || [ $bct = 12 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Routersploit " sleep 1 apt install git apt install python2 pip2 install requests git clone https://github.com/reverse-shell/routersploit.git cd routersploit pip install -r requirements.txt termux-fix-shebang rsf.py cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 13 ] || [ $bct = 13 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Hydra " sleep 1 apt update && apt install -y wget apt install hydra wget http://scrapmaker.com/download/data/wordlists/dictionaries/rockyou.txt cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 14 ] || [ $bct = 14 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Weevely " sleep 1 pkg update pkg upgrade git clone https://github.com/glides/Weevely cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $b ct = 15 ] || [ $bct = 15 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing SQLMap " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install python2 git clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap.git cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 16 ] || [ $bct = 16 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Dirbuster " sleep 1 apt-get update apt-get install python apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/maurosoria/dirsearch.git cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 17 ] || [ $bct = 17 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing admin finder " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install php mkdir adfin cd ~/webdav wget https://pastebin.com/raw/32txZ6Qr -O adfin.php cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 18 ] || [ $bct = 18 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing lokomedia exploiter " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install php mkdir lokomed cd ~/lokomed wget https://pastebin.com/raw/sPpJRjCZ -O lokomedia.php cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " echo -e $red" usage : php lokomedia.php a.txt " fi if [ $bct = 19 ] || [ $bct = 19 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing elfinder exploiter " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install php mkdir elfinder cd ~/elfinder wget https://pastebin.com/raw/S7Y2V19h -O elfinder.php cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 20 ] || [ $bct = 20 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing magento add admin exploiter " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install php mkdir magento cd ~/magento wget https://pastebin.com/raw/PXkG73pG -O magento.php cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 21 ] || [ $bct = 21 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing scanner tools " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install python mkdir scanner cd ~/scanner wget https://pastebin.com/raw/m79t1Zia -O scanner.py wget https://pastebin.com/raw/mgKxMWXh -O admins.1337 wget https://pastebin.com/raw/EafKj98D -O files.1337 cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " echo -e $red" usage : python2 scanner.py site.com -m files " fi if [ $bct = 22 ] || [ $bct = 22 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing katoolin " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade pkg install git pkg install python pkg install gnupg pkg install nano git clone https://github.com/LionSec/katoolin.git cd ~/katoolin echo -e $green"note : nano katoolin.py ganti semua kode /etc/apt/source.list dengan /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/apt/sources.list kemudian simpan dengan menekan ctrl O enter kemudian ctrl X . jika tidak ada menu ctrl pada keyboard munculkan dengan menahan tombol volume atas kemudian ketik Q pada keyboard maka menu ctrl akan muncul di atas keyboard python2 katoolin.py Sisanya bisa mengikuti cara install di atas, Jika menemui masalah gpg error saat melakukan add repository install gnupg-curl dengan perintah pkg install gnupg-curl Untuk yg menggunakan termux dengan cpu arm64 (aarch64) tidak bisa menambahkan repositori kali linux karna kali linux tidak support aarch64, jadi sebelum menginstall tools kali di termux wajib dengan android dengan arm32 jika arm64 gunakan gnuroot" echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 23 ] || [ $bct = 23 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing arch linux " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install git cd ~/ git clone https://github.com/sdrausty/termux-archlinux.git cd termux-archlinux chmod +x setupTermuxArch.sh ./setupTermuxArch.sh echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 24 ] || [ $bct = 24 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing fedora " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install git apt install wget git clone https://github.com/nmilosev/termux-fedora.git cd termux-fedora chmod +x termux-fedora.sh echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 25 ] || [ $bct = 25 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing hash-Buster " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install python2 && apt install git git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Hash-Buster cd Hash-Buster echo -e $red" Done Install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 26 ] || [ $bct 26 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing aircrack-ng " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install aircrack-ng echo -e $red" done install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 27 ] || [ $bct = 27 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing joomscan " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git apt-get install perl git clone https://github.com/rezasp/joomscan.git echo -e $red" done install ^^ " fi fi if [ $bct = 28 ] || [ $bct = 28 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing mailer-sender " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install php5-cli curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php chmod +x composer.phar sudo mv composer.phar /usr/bin/composer git clone https://github.com/pedro-stanaka/mailer-cli.git echo -e $red" note !! " echo -e $red" usage php sendmail.php notification:mailer <email> <subject> <body>; " echo -e $red" or " echo -e $red" php sendmail.php --help " echo -e $red" done install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 29 ] || [ $bct = 29 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing wordpress brute force " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install python apt-get install python-pip pip install request git clone https://github.com/atarantini/wpbf echo -e $red" done install ^^ " fi if [ $bct = 30 ] || [ $bct = 30 ] then clear echo -e
#!/bin/bash # Auto Install Tools v.2.1 # recoded By Satrio Kusbiyantoro # gausah ganti copyright kalo mau di hargai :) # Bersihkan Layar clear blue='\e[0;34' cyan='\e[0;36m' green='\e[0;34m' okegreen='\033[92m' lightgreen='\e[1;32m' white='\e[1;37m' red='\e[1;31m' yellow='\e[1;33m' ################################################### # CTRL C ################################################### trap ctrl_c INT ctrl_c() { clear echo -e $red"[#]> (Ctrl + C ) Detected, Trying To Exit ... " sleep 1 echo "" echo -e $green"[#]> SMKN 1 Kertosono ... " sleep 1 echo "" echo -e $white"[#]> Satrio Kusbiyantoro Wuzz Here ... " read enter exit } echo -e $red" ___ ___ _______ ____ ____ " echo -e $red" / / \ | | | | | | echo -e $white" /__ /_____\ | | __| | | |" echo -e $white" / /_______\ | | \ | | |" echo -e $red" ___/ / \ | | \ | |____|" echo -e $red" ***********************************************" echo -e $white" # $red toolkit for hackers v2.1 $white #" echo -e $red" # $red happy fun guys $red #" echo -e $white" # $red contact: erik_susanto30@yahoo.com $white #" echo -e $red" # $white greetz :Kesendirian Nak SMKN 1 Kertosono $red#" echo -e $white" # $white copyright : Satrio Kusbiyantoro $white #" echo -e $red" # $white thanks to : SMKN 1 Kertosono $red #" echo -e $white" ***********************************************" echo "" echo -e $green" 01) Red Hawk" echo -e $green" 02) D-Tect" echo -e $green" 03) Hunner" echo -e $green" 04) WPScan" echo -e $green" 05) Webdav" echo -e $green" 06) Metasploit" echo -e $green" 07) Kali Nethunter" echo -e $green" 08) Ubuntu" echo -e $green" 09) viSQL " echo -e $green" 10) Ngrok" echo -e $green" 11) Torshammer " echo -e $green" 12) RouterSploit " echo -e $green" 13) Hydra " echo -e $green" 14) Weevely " echo -e $green" 15) SQLMap " echo -e $green" 16) Dirbuster " echo -e $green" 17) admin finder " echo -e $green" 18) lokomedia exploiter " echo -e $green" 19) elfinder exploiter " echo -e $green" 20) magento add admin exploiter " echo -e $green" 21) scanner tools " echo -e $green" 22) katoolin " echo -e $green" 23) arch linux " echo -e $green" 24) linux fedora" echo -e $green" 25) hash-buster" echo -e $green" 26) aircrack-ng" echo -e $green" 27) joomscan" echo -e $green" 28) mailer sender cli" echo -e $green" 29) Wordpress Brute Force" echo -e $green" 30) Oh-myzsh theme for termux" echo -e $green" 31) instabot (instagram bot)" echo -e $green" 32) fsociety" echo -e $green" 33) Cms Scanner" echo -e $green" 34) Information Gathering" echo -e $green" 35) com_fabrik exploiter" echo -e $green" 36) com foxcontact exploiter" echo -e $green" 37) installing ezsploit" echo -e $green" 38) installing spammer grab" echo -e $green" 39) installing spammer toko pedia" echo -e $green" 40) TheFatRat" echo -e $green" 41) exit" echo -e $green" 40) exit" echo -e $white"" read -p "[Satrio Kusbiyantoro]> " bct; if [ $bct = 01 ] || [ $bct = 01 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Red Hawk " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install php apt install git git clone https://github.com/Tuhinshubhra/RED_HAWK echo -e $green" Done Install Cuk " fi if [ $bct = 02 ] || [ $bct = 02 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing D-Tect " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git apt-get install python git clone https://github.com/shawarkhanethicalhacker/D-TECT echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 03 ] || [ $bct = 03 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Hunner " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt install python apt install git git clone https://github.com/b3-v3r/Hunner echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 04 ] || [ $bct = 04 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Wpscan " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt install ruby apt install curl apt install git git clone https://github.com/wpscanteam/wpscan cd ~/wpscan gem install bundle bundle config build.nokogiri --use-system-libraries bundle install ruby wpscan.rb --update cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 05 ] || [ $bct = 05 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Webdav " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install python apt-get install python-pip pip2 install urllib3 chardet certifi idna requests apt install openssl curl pkg install libcurl mkdir webdav cd ~/webdav wget https://pastebin.com/raw/HnVyQPtR -O webdav.py chmod 777 webdav.py cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 06 ] || [ $bct = 06 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Metasploit " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install git apt install wget wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/verluchie/termux-metasploit/master/install.sh chmod 777 install.sh sh install.sh echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 07 ] || [ $bct = 07 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Kali Nethunter " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install git git clone https://github.com/Hax4us/Nethunter-In-Termux.git cd ~/Nethunter-In-Termux chmod 777 kalinethunter sh kalinethunter echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 08 ] || [ $bct = 08 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Ubuntu " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install git apt install wget apt install proot git clone https://github.com/Neo-Oli/termux-ubuntu.git cd ~/termux-ubuntu chmod +x ubuntu.sh sh ubuntu.sh echo " Fix network please wait " sleep 1 echo "nameserver" > /data/data/com.termux/files/home/termux-ubuntu/ubuntu-fs/etc/resolv.conf echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 09 ] || [ $bct = 09 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing viSQL " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade pkg install git pkg install python git clone https://github.com/blackvkng/viSQL.git cd ~/viSQL chmod 777 viSQL.py cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 10 ] || [ $bct = 10 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Ngrok " sleep 1 apt install wget mkdir ngrok cd ~/ngrok wget https://bin.equinox.io/c/4VmDzA7iaHb/ngrok-stable-linux-arm.zip unzip ngrok-stable-linux-arm.zip cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 11 ] || [ $bct = 11 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Hammer " sleep 1 pkg update pkg upgrade pkg install python pkg install git git clone https://github.com/cyweb/hammer cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 12 ] || [ $bct = 12 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Routersploit " sleep 1 apt install git apt install python2 pip2 install requests git clone https://github.com/reverse-shell/routersploit.git cd routersploit pip install -r requirements.txt termux-fix-shebang rsf.py cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 13 ] || [ $bct = 13 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Hydra " sleep 1 apt update && apt install -y wget apt install hydra wget http://scrapmaker.com/download/data/wordlists/dictionaries/rockyou.txt cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 14 ] || [ $bct = 14 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Weevely " sleep 1 pkg update pkg upgrade git clone https://github.com/glides/Weevely cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $b ct = 15 ] || [ $bct = 15 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing SQLMap " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install python2 git clone https://github.com/sqlmapproject/sqlmap.git cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 16 ] || [ $bct = 16 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing Dirbuster " sleep 1 apt-get update apt-get install python apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/maurosoria/dirsearch.git cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 17 ] || [ $bct = 17 ] then clear echo -e $green" Installing admin finder " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install php mkdir adfin cd ~/webdav wget https://pastebin.com/raw/32txZ6Qr -O adfin.php cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 18 ] || [ $bct = 18 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing lokomedia exploiter " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install php mkdir lokomed cd ~/lokomed wget https://pastebin.com/raw/sPpJRjCZ -O lokomedia.php cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " echo -e $red" usage : php lokomedia.php a.txt " fi if [ $bct = 19 ] || [ $bct = 19 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing elfinder exploiter " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install php mkdir elfinder cd ~/elfinder wget https://pastebin.com/raw/S7Y2V19h -O elfinder.php cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 20 ] || [ $bct = 20 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing magento add admin exploiter " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install php mkdir magento cd ~/magento wget https://pastebin.com/raw/PXkG73pG -O magento.php cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 21 ] || [ $bct = 21 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing scanner tools " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install python mkdir scanner cd ~/scanner wget https://pastebin.com/raw/m79t1Zia -O scanner.py wget https://pastebin.com/raw/mgKxMWXh -O admins.1337 wget https://pastebin.com/raw/EafKj98D -O files.1337 cd ~/ echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " echo -e $red" usage : python2 scanner.py site.com -m files " fi if [ $bct = 22 ] || [ $bct = 22 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing katoolin " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade pkg install git pkg install python pkg install gnupg pkg install nano git clone https://github.com/LionSec/katoolin.git cd ~/katoolin echo -e $green"note : nano katoolin.py ganti semua kode /etc/apt/source.list dengan /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/apt/sources.list kemudian simpan dengan menekan ctrl O enter kemudian ctrl X . jika tidak ada menu ctrl pada keyboard munculkan dengan menahan tombol volume atas kemudian ketik Q pada keyboard maka menu ctrl akan muncul di atas keyboard python2 katoolin.py Sisanya bisa mengikuti cara install di atas, Jika menemui masalah gpg error saat melakukan add repository install gnupg-curl dengan perintah pkg install gnupg-curl Untuk yg menggunakan termux dengan cpu arm64 (aarch64) tidak bisa menambahkan repositori kali linux karna kali linux tidak support aarch64, jadi sebelum menginstall tools kali di termux wajib dengan android dengan arm32 jika arm64 gunakan gnuroot" echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 23 ] || [ $bct = 23 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing arch linux " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install git cd ~/ git clone https://github.com/sdrausty/termux-archlinux.git cd termux-archlinux chmod +x setupTermuxArch.sh ./setupTermuxArch.sh echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 24 ] || [ $bct = 24 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing fedora " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt-get install git apt install wget git clone https://github.com/nmilosev/termux-fedora.git cd termux-fedora chmod +x termux-fedora.sh echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 25 ] || [ $bct = 25 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing hash-Buster " sleep 1 apt update && apt upgrade apt install python2 && apt install git git clone https://github.com/UltimateHackers/Hash-Buster cd Hash-Buster echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 26 ] || [ $bct 26 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing aircrack-ng " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install aircrack-ng echo -e $red" done install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 27 ] || [ $bct = 27 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing joomscan " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git apt-get install perl git clone https://github.com/rezasp/joomscan.git echo -e $red" done install ^_^ " fi fi if [ $bct = 28 ] || [ $bct = 28 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing mailer-sender " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install php5-cli curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php chmod +x composer.phar sudo mv composer.phar /usr/bin/composer git clone https://github.com/pedro-stanaka/mailer-cli.git echo -e $red" note !! " echo -e $red" usage php sendmail.php notification:mailer <email> <subject> <body>; " echo -e $red" or " echo -e $red" php sendmail.php --help " echo -e $red" done install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 29 ] || [ $bct = 29 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing wordpress brute force " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install python apt-get install python-pip pip install request git clone https://github.com/atarantini/wpbf echo -e $red" done install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 30 ] || [ $bct = 30 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing termux Ohmyzsh " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://github.com/Cabbagec/termux-ohmyzsh/raw/master/install.sh)" ~/.termux/colors.sh echo -e $red" ganti color ? ketik ~/.termux/colors.sh " echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 31 ] || [ $bct = 31 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing Instabot instagram bot " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade pkg install python apt-get install git apt-get install nano git clone https://github.com/instabot-py/instabot.py echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " echo -e $red" Please wait... " echo -e $red" Please wait... " sleep 1 cd instabot.py echo -e $red" ketik nano example.py " echo -e $red" masukan username dan password mu" echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^" fi if [ $bct = 32 ] || [ $bct = 32 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing fsociety " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade pkg install python apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/Manisso/fsociety echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " echo -e $red" Please wait... " echo -e $red" Please wait... " sleep 1 cd fsociety echo -e $red" python fsociety.py " fi if [ $bct = 33 ] || [ $bct = 33 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing CMS Scanner " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade pkg install python apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/Dionach/CMSmap.git sleep 1 cd CMSmap echo -e $red" Usage: cmsmap.py -t <URL> " fi if [ $bct = 34 ] || [ $bct = 34 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing INFORMATION Gathering " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade pkg install python apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/m4ll0k/Infoga.git infoga sleep 1 cd infoga pip install -r req echo -e $red" Usage: python infoga.py " fi if [ $bct = 35 ] || [ $bct = 35 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing com fabrik exploiter " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install wget apt-get install php wget https://pastebin.com/raw/LDvFvtUD -O com_fabrik.php sleep 1 echo -e $red" Usage: php com_fabrik.php target.txt " fi if [ $bct = 36 ] || [ $bct = 36 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing com foxcontact exploiter " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install wget apt-get install php wget https://pastebin.com/raw/EAtSir5V -O com_foxcontact.php sleep 1 echo -e $red" Usage: php com_foxcontact.php target.txt " fi if [ $bct = 37 ] || [ $bct = 37 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing ezsploit " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/rand0m1ze/ezsploit sleep 1 echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 38 ] || [ $bct = 38 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing spammer grab " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git apt-get install python pip install requests git clone https://github.com/p4kl0nc4t/Spammer-Grab/ sleep 1 echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 39 ] || [ $bct = 39 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing spammer toko pedia " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git apt-get install unzip git clone https://github.com/mrcakil/spam cd spam unzip toko-pedia.zip sleep 1 echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 40 ] || [ $bct = 40 ] then clear echo -e $green" installing TheFatRat " sleep 1 apt-get update && apt-get upgrade apt-get install git git clone https://github.com/Screetsec/TheFatRat.git cd TheFatRat chmod +x setup.sh && ./setup.sh sleep 1 echo -e $red" Done Install ^_^ " fi if [ $bct = 41 ] || [ $bct = 41 ] then echo -e $green" pesan terakhir " sleep 1 echo -e $green" dear jomblo " sleep 1 echo -e $green" Jangan Hina Orang " sleep 1 echo -e $green" Please Wait.... " sleep 1 echo -e $green" contact : 082335546357 " sleep 1 echo -e $blue" fb : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009867736195 " sleep 1 echo -e $red" SMKN 1 Kertosono :* " sleep 1 exit fi