This code will allow you to scrape a page automatically, process it and email it to yourself using sendgrid based on a user defined schedule. This snippet of code will allow you to deploy your python script to Heroku and run a custom scheduler. This is meant for free accounts that do not have a credit card on file. Otherwise you would need to download add-ons but to do so you need a credit card on file. This code allows you to run a scheduler without a credit card on file.
Youtube -
- Clone the repo
- Get your API key from sendgrid to send emails
- Update with your API key, to and from email addresses
- Ensure you keep the Procfile and requirements.txt in the same dir as
- Edit to the schedule you would like to use (near bottom)
- Sign up for a free heroku account if you havent already done so
- Create app ie. myapp #name of app
- Type heroku login --> This will take you to a web based login page
- cd to your directory on your local drive
- Type 'git init'
- Type 'heroku git:remote -a myapp'
- Type 'git add .'
- Type ' git commit -am "version 1"'
- Type 'git push heroku master'
- Now you need to allocate a dyno to do the work. Type 'heroku ps:scale worker=1'
- If you want to check the logs to make sure its working type 'heroku logs --tail'
Now your code will continue to run until you stop the dyno. To stop it scale it down using the command 'heroku ps:scale worker=0'