
Twitter's internal API (unofficial). This module has been utilized by multiple Twitter bots. This module offers numerous additional benefits compared to the official Twitter APIs, including the ability to post up to 6000 tweets per day, support for Note tweets, tweet scheduling, Streaming of direct message, new followers, search etc


Twitter's internal API (unofficial). This module contains Twitter's unofficial APIs, which include both the web front-end APIs and the Android app APIs. It has been developed through reverse engineering of the Twitter app and web front-end. This module is already utilized by multiple viral Twitter bots.

The module is well-structured, and properly maintained, and comes with sample files and readme documentation.


The TwitterUnofficialAPI offers several advantages over the official Twitter APIs:

  1. Increased Daily Tweet Limit: Post up to 6000 tweets per day, compared to the official plans that only support 2400 per day.
  2. Support for Note Tweets: Ability to post note tweets.
  3. User Mentions Streaming: Supports streaming for user mentions.
  4. Tweet Scheduling: Provides functionality for scheduling tweets.
  5. Direct Messages Streaming: Supports streaming for direct messages.
  6. New Followers Streaming: Enables streaming for new followers.
  7. Search Streaming: Supports streaming for search queries.
  8. Timeline Streaming: Allows streaming of the timeline of any Twitter user.
  9. Tweet Fetching (Unlimited): Fetch tweets without limitations.
  10. Supports Proxies: Ability to utilize proxies for enhanced privacy and network flexibility.
  11. Lightweight and No External Dependencies: The module is lightweight and doesn't require any external dependencies, making it easy to integrate into your projects.

Basic Functions

The TwitterUnofficialAPI module offers the following basic functions:

  1. Tweet: Post a tweet.
  2. Reply to Tweet: Reply to a specific tweet.
  3. Media Tweets: Share tweets with media attachments (both normal tweets and replies).
  4. Favorite Tweets: Mark tweets as favorites.
  5. Undo Favorite: Remove a tweet from favorites.
  6. Retweet: Retweet a tweet.
  7. Undo Retweet: Undo a retweet.
  8. Follow User: Follow a Twitter user.
  9. Unfollow User: Unfollow a Twitter user.
  10. Check Friendship: Verify the friendship status between users.
  11. Fetch Tweet Details: Retrieve details of a specific tweet.
  12. Send Direct Messages: Send direct messages to other users.
  13. Mark Direct Message as Seen: Mark a direct message as seen.
  14. Typing Indicator: Display typing indicator while sending direct messages, etc.

This module bypasses the rate limits imposed by the Twitter post tweet API by utilizing the Twitter web and app front-end APIs.

No API keys are required to use this module. Only the username, password, and email are needed.

For pricing and any other queries, users can contact me on Telegram @SatsShark.