
Provides a sorted output of the clear text requests coming to port 80 using tcpdump capture.

Primary LanguagePerl


Provides a sorted output of the clear text requests coming to port 80 using tcpdump capture.


perl webtrafficdump.pl <INTERVEL_IN_SECONDS>

INTERVEL_IN_SECONDS determines how long the tcpdump caputres traffic before printing them to screen. If no arguments provides, it monitors for 10 seconds by default.

Requires Perl (I used 5.16) and tcpdump installed.

Additional perl module used is Parallel::ForkManager. If it is not installed, you can install it from cpan. Run this on your terminal:

cpan install Parallel::ForkManager

If cpan is not installed, install it first:

yum install epel-release yum install perl-CPAN

To run script:

perl webtrafficdump.pl <optional_timeout_in_seconds>

The "Top Hosts" section will display the virtualhosts (domains) to which traffic is coming.