Codeforces Rating and Rank Predictor

We used jupyter notebooks for development. Jupyter notebooks are stored in jupyter_ipynb. The outputs have been exported to jupyter_outputs. The python code has been exported to python_src.

Perfomance at a glance

Rating Predictor R2 Score RMS Error
Linear Regression 0.738 92.45
XGBoost 0.827 75.11
Random Forest 0.803 80.21
Rank Predictor Accuracy
Logistic Regression 0.60
XGBoost 0.57
Random Forest 0.55

File order

  1. User Analysis
  3. User Problem Analysis
  4. Final Feature
  5. EDA
  6. train


The model takes about 30 seconds to train. So you can just run the file to check the accuracy.