
Upgrade BEMCheckBox Native Framework from 1.4.1 to 2.0.0

Closed this issue · 2 comments

There hasn't been a new release of BEMCheckBox and it appears that no new release is forth coming. There are a couple fixes that have been committed to since the official BEMCheckBox 1.4.1 release. It would be nice to incorporate those changes.

Edit (Aug 8, 23): The BEMCheckBox has been forked and a new a v2.0.0 release created. Try to use this release.

Hi, is there any news about this package?

Thanks for reaching out @racoltacalin. I just recently finished up the automated build for the Xmarain part of the checkbox. Now I need to get a new build of BEMCheckBox and create a native reference. I was trying to automate this process using GitHub Actions but if there is a demand for a new release I will might just manually create the native extension.

I used to use TeamCity to build the BEMCheckBox native extension but no longer have access to this setup anymore and TeamCity Cloud does not support Mac runners. GitHub Actions has Mac runners but I'm not very familiar with compiling Objective-C/Swift applications. If you have any advice that would be much appreciated.