
Repository for sharing codes concerned with the prototyping part of the app.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


1.   Canny example 1

2.   Canny example 2

  • Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/18908023/8558040
  • Much better than 1st example but doesn't work on all.
  • Run it with python src/ex02/canny.py data/img_02.jpg
  • The updated code is in the jupyter notebook.
  • Improved the original code with median filter and dilation with unit kernel.
  • Tried to add code for selection the best 4 points if the contour has more and failed. Will try again with more robust geometry.
  • Will study bilateral filter, could be an improvement over gaussian filter in preserving edges.
  • I am postponing it and will come later after trying other examples.

3.   Magic Filter

4.   Magic Filter 2nd attempt

5.   bwfilter

  • (Would welcome the owner to fill it)

6.   filters_cpp

  • https://github.com/mauvilsa/imgtxtenh
  • The procedure for compiling is:
    • cd build
    • cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
    • make
  • Run with ./imgtxtenh img_path
  • All the important functions from the purpose of the project are defined in filters.hpp and documented in filters.cpp
  • Good parameters for magic filter usage will be alpha=1.4, beta=40

7.   corners_cpp

  • C++ implementation of ex02 with modifications learned during experiments.
  • The procedure for compiling is: g++ main.cpp corners.cpp -o main.o `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv` -DDEBUG
  • Run with ./main.o [img_in_path] [img_out_path] [] is for optional arguments.
  • Implements the function find_best_corners which takes in img and returns the best rectangle the algorithm managed to find.
  • Implements four point transform for cropping and warping.
  • Implements order points.
  • Implements validate points.
  • Completed with documentation.

Remaining resources for corner detection

Filtering and Other resources

OCR Resources
