
happyminds assignment elevator problem

Primary LanguagePython


happyminds assignment elevator problem

data modelling: i have used redis for data managment as we hitting database again and again in this project for which we require an in memory fast data management tool. architecture: there is elevator object with following properities id

api contracts:

this is to initialize the n elevators it takes number of 	
elevators as argument
input exapmle:

returns the list of all the elevators

this is used to move from one floor to another it takes 
in current and destination floor as argument and 			
returns the most optimal elevator.

input exapmle:

marks elevator as operation or not operational

input exapmle:
    "operational": 0

to open and close the elevator

used to get the list of requests for an elevator

Note: above pk stands for primary key of an elevator.

deployment: for deployment clone the repository and use command docker-compose up you can run the test.py seprately to run all the test cases.

i have used a simple greedy algorithim to assign user elevators which works on minimum distance it assigns nearest operational elevator to the user. maximum and minimum floors have been intialized by default.