
Easily schedule regular cleanup of old soft-deleted Eloquent data.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Schedule a force delete of your soft deleted Eloquent models after they've been soft deleted for a given period of time.

Quicksand is an Artisan command that you can run in your scheduler daily.

Installation instructions

  1. Add Quicksand to your Composer file: composer require tightenco/quicksand

  2. Register the Quicksand Service provider in config/app.php:

        'providers' => [
  3. Publish your config: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tightenco\Quicksand\QuicksandServiceProvider"

  4. Edit your config. Define which classes you'd like to have Quicksand clean up for you, and how many days Quicksand should wait to clean up.

  5. Schedule the command in app/Http/Console/Kernel.php:

        protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule)