first time : git init git remote add origin git branch -M main

git add . git commit -m "hello"

git push -u origin main // git push will also run.

error satyam@satyam jni interiors % git remote add origin git branch -M main git push -u origin main error: remote origin already exists. remote: Repository not found. fatal: repository '' not found satyam@satyam jni interiors % git remote set-url origin


git remote set-url origin git push -u origin main

error: error: failed to push some refs to '' hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g. hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again. hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.

git push -f origin master

Create new branch

Collaborating with a junior developer using Git involves several steps to ensure smooth teamwork and version control. Here's a basic guide:

Set Up a Repository:

Create a new repository on a platform like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Share the repository URL with the junior developer. Clone the Repository:

The junior developer should clone the repository to their local machine using the git clone command. This establishes a connection between their local environment and the remote repository.

bash Copy code git clone Create a Branch:

Encourage the junior developer to work on a feature or bug fix in a dedicated branch rather than the main branch. This helps keep the main branch stable.

bash Copy code git checkout -b feature-branch Work on the Feature:

The junior developer makes changes, adds new features, or fixes bugs within their branch. Regular commits should be made to track progress.

bash Copy code git add . git commit -m "Describe changes made" Fetch and Merge the Latest Changes:

Before pushing changes, ensure the junior developer has the latest updates from the main branch.

bash Copy code git checkout main git pull origin main Resolve Conflicts (if any):

If there are conflicts between the junior developer's branch and the main branch, they need to resolve them. Git will mark the conflicted files, and the junior developer should manually resolve the differences.

bash Copy code git checkout feature-branch git merge main

Resolve conflicts

git add . git commit -m "Merge changes from main branch" Push Changes:

Once the feature is complete and conflicts are resolved, the junior developer can push their changes to the remote repository.

bash Copy code git push origin feature-branch Create a Pull Request (PR):

On the repository hosting platform, the junior developer can create a pull request to merge their changes into the main branch. This allows for code review and collaboration. Code Review:

As a more experienced developer, review the changes made in the pull request. Provide feedback and suggestions for improvement. Merge Pull Request:

If the changes are satisfactory, merge the pull request. This integrates the junior developer's changes into the main branch. Update Local Repository:

Both developers should update their local repositories to include the merged changes. bash Copy code git checkout main git pull origin main This workflow ensures a collaborative and organized approach to working with a junior developer using Git. It promotes code quality, collaboration, and proper version control.


Git Basics for Beginners

1. How to Clone a GitHub Repo:

  • Step 1: Copy the Repository URL

    • Visit the GitHub repository you want to clone.
    • Click on the "Code" button and copy the repository URL.
  • Step 2: Open Terminal (or Command Prompt)

    • Open the terminal on your computer.
  • Step 3: Navigate to the Desired Directory

    • Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where you want to clone the repository.
  • Step 4: Clone the Repository

    • Run the following command, replacing <repository_url> with the URL you copied:
      git clone <repository_url>

2. How to Push Code by Creating a Branch:

  • Step 1: Navigate to the Project Directory

    • Use the cd command to enter the project directory.
      cd <repository_directory>
  • Step 2: Create a New Branch

    • Create a new branch and switch to it:
      git checkout -b <branch_name>
  • Step 3: Make Changes

    • Modify your code as needed.
  • Step 4: Stage and Commit Changes

    • Stage changes:
      git add .
    • Commit changes:
      git commit -m "Your commit message here"
  • Step 5: Push the New Branch to GitHub

    • Push the branch to GitHub:
      git push origin <branch_name>

3. How to Pull Changes Made by Others:

  • Step 1: Navigate to the Project Directory

    • Use the cd command to enter the project directory.
      cd <repository_directory>
  • Step 2: Pull Changes from the Remote Repository

    • Run the following command:
      git pull origin <branch_name>
      Replace <branch_name> with the branch you want to pull changes from.

4. How to Add Your Project on GitHub:

  • Step 1: Create a New Repository on GitHub

    • Go to GitHub and click on the "+" icon in the top right, then select "New Repository."
  • Step 2: Follow the Repository Creation Steps

    • Fill in the repository name, description, and other settings.
    • Optionally, add a README file.
  • Step 3: Initialize a Git Repository Locally (if not done yet)

    • If your project isn't a Git repository yet, run:
      git init
  • Step 4: Link Local and Remote Repositories

    • Add the GitHub repository as a remote:
      git remote add origin <repository_url>
      Replace <repository_url> with the URL of your GitHub repository.
  • Step 5: Push Your Code to GitHub

    • Push your code to GitHub:
      git push -u origin master
      Replace master with the name of your main branch.

These steps cover the basic operations of cloning a repository, pushing code by creating a branch, pulling changes made by others, and adding your project to GitHub.

HOW TO PUSH NEW PROJECT ON GITHUB *************** To push a new project to GitHub using the Visual Studio Code terminal, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Create a new repository on GitHub:

    • Go to GitHub and create a new repository.
    • Note the URL of the repository (e.g.,
  2. Initialize a Git repository locally:

    • Open Visual Studio Code.
    • Open the terminal in Visual Studio Code (you can use the integrated terminal).
    • Navigate to the root folder of your project.
    cd path/to/your/project
    • Run the following command to initialize a new Git repository:
    git init
  3. Add your files to the Git repository:

    • Use the following command to stage all the files for commit:
    git add .
    • You can also use git add <filename> to stage specific files.
  4. Commit your changes:

    • Commit the staged changes with a commit message:
    git commit -m "Initial commit"
  5. Connect your local repository to the GitHub repository:

    • Add the GitHub repository as a remote. Replace the URL with your GitHub repository URL:
    git remote add origin
  6. Push your changes to GitHub:

    • Push your committed changes to the GitHub repository:
    git push -u origin master

    The -u flag is used to set up tracking. After this, you can simply use git push in the future.

  7. Verify on GitHub:

    • Visit your GitHub repository in a web browser and check if your files have been pushed successfully.

Your new project should now be on GitHub. Make sure you have the necessary permissions to push to the repository. If you encounter any issues, double-check your GitHub credentials, repository URL, and permissions.


When attempting to push changes to a Git repository hosted on GitHub, encountered the error "remote: Repository not found. fatal: repository '


  1. Verify correct repository URL.
  2. Ensure repository exists on GitHub.
  3. Update remote URL if incorrect: git remote set-url origin your github repo URL

git push -u origin main

error: failed to push some refs to '' hint: Updates were rejected because the tip of your current branch is behind hint: its remote counterpart. Integrate the remote changes (e.g. hint: 'git pull ...') before pushing again. hint: See the 'Note about fast-forwards' in 'git push --help' for details.

solutions: git push -f origin main