LuaJIT access to Linux /proc file system
On Linux systems, /proc is a source of much useful information, such as the number of processes running on the machine, mount points, cpu information, threads, memory utilization, io statistics, and the like. In classic UNIX fashion, everything is a file, and they are accessed through the directory mounted under /proc.
These files are variously readable either by humans or machine processes. There are numerous command line tools that make this information more or less accessible, as long as you know all the commands, and their attendant flags, quirks, and whatnot.
This binding to the procfs makes accessing various aspects of the file system relatively easy.
At the highest level, gaining access to the information whithin files that are directly in /proc, is as easy as the following example, which gets at the /proc/cpuinfo file.
package.path = "../?.lua;"..package.path;
local procfs = require("lj2procfs.procfs")
local putil = require("lj2procfs.print-util")
print("return {")
putil.printValue(procfs.cpuinfo, " ", "cpuinfo")
The meat of it is the one call: procfs.cpuinfo
This will return a table, which contains the already parsed information. Numeric values become lua numbers, the word "yes", becomes a boolean 'true', and everything else becomes a quoted string. Since you now have a table, you can easily use that in any way within your lua program.
If you wanted to perform a task such as list which processors are associated with which cores, you could do the following:
local procfs = require("lj2procfs.procfs")
local fun = require("")
local function printInfo(processor)
print(string.format("processor: %d, core: %d", processor.processor, processor.core_id))
fun.each(printInfo, procfs.cpuinfo)
And the output might look something like this
processor: 0, core: 0
processor: 1, core: 1
processor: 2, core: 2
processor: 3, core: 3
processor: 4, core: 0
processor: 5, core: 1
processor: 6, core: 2
processor: 7, core: 3
There are a number of tasks which become fairly easy to perform from within lua script, such as counting the number of processes that are currently running in the system.
#!/usr/bin/env luajit
package.path = "../?.lua;"..package.path;
local procfs = require("lj2procfs.procfs")
local fun = require("")
print("Num Procs: ", fun.length(procfs.processes()))
Of course you could already do this by simply running 'ps', or some other command line tool. The benefit of having this binding, is that you can easily perform the task without having to shell out to get simple tasks done. This makes it far easier to incorporate the information into an automated workflow.
If you wanted to go all out and print all the information about all the processes currently running on the machine, you could do the following:
local procfs = require("lj2procfs.procfs")
local fun = require("")
local putil = require("lj2procfs.print-util")
local function printProcEntry(procEntry)
print(string.format("\t[%d] = {", procEntry.Id))
for _, fileEntry in procEntry:files() do
local fileValue = procEntry[fileEntry.Name]
putil.printValue(fileValue, '\t\t', fileEntry.Name)
print(string.format("return {"))
fun.each(printProcEntry, procfs.processes())
Which might generate some output, which partially looks like:
return {
[1] = {
['environ'] = {
PATH = [[/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin]],
HOME = [[/]],
rootmnt = [[/root]],
recovery = '',
PWD = [[/]],
TERM = [[linux]],
BOOT_IMAGE = [[/vmlinuz-3.19.0-26-generic.efi.signed]],
init = [[/sbin/init]],
auxv = [[nil]],
Of course, you don't have to generate any output at all. You could just form queries whereby you iterate over processes, looking for specific attributes, and delivering some action based on seeing those attributes.
You can use one of the rockspecs that comes with the release, v0.1-4 is the latest working version.
Alternatively, you can simply copy all the 'lj2procfs' directory into your lua path, such as '/usr/local/share/lua/5.1'