
An api to fetch user transactions from etherum node hosted on infura's Kovan testnet.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Matic.network assignment

An api to fetch user transactions from etherum node hosted on infura's Kovan testnet.

Step1: Configure following env variables

KOVAN_TESTNET_ENDPOINT = [with the kovan test net api end point]

MONGO_DB_URL = [mongo db url]

DB_NAME = [mongo db name we are saving the documents into]

Step 2: Run local server -

  • run 'npm run dev' to start local server

Step 3: To fetch user transactions

call api end point 'POST: http://localhost:3245/user_txs' with following params

{ "address": "0xb1988ea4ebdc846f44b7c36e5c8558ff459398ae", // <- user address example "pageSize": 50, "pageNumber": 1 }