
Stellar Account Prometheus Exporter - Monitor Stellar Network Accounts

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The Stellar Account Prometheus Exporter retrieves account(s) balance and exposes it in prometheus format.


Configuration file path must be provided using the --config option.

The config file is yaml formatted file:

- name: pubnet                              # Human readable name
  horizon_url: https://horizon.example.com  # Horizon URL
  - account_id: ABC123XYZ     # Account ID
    account_name: Account one # Human readable description
  - account_id: DEF456ABC
    account_name: Account two
- name: testnet
  horizon_url: https://horizon-testnet.example.com
  - account_id: QWE789DEF
    account_name: Testnet test account

By default the exporter listens on port 9618. This can be changes using --port switch or "PORT" environment variable.

Exported data

For each account the following metrics are exported:

  • stellar_account_balance
  • stellar_account_available_balance
  • stellar_account_buying_liabilities
  • stellar_account_selling_liabilities
  • stellar_account_num_sponsored
  • stellar_account_num_sponsoring
  • stellar_account_scrape_success

Each metric has the following labels:

  • network - network name from the configuration file
  • account_id - account ID from the configuration file
  • account_name - account name, as per configuration file
  • asset_type - asset type

Installing from pypi

To download/test package in pypi you can use venv:

python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate


python3 -m pip install stellar_account_prometheus_exporter


./venv/bin/stellar-account-prometheus-exporter --config /path/to/config.yaml

Releasing new version

  • ensure you bumped version number in setup.py. PyPi does not allow version reuse
  • build new package:
python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel
  • push to testpypi:
python3 -m twine upload --repository-url https://test.pypi.org/legacy/ dist/*
  • test by installing the package (see above). If all good release:
python3 -m twine upload dist/*

Docker and K8s version

This app is now dockerized. The new Dockerfile has been validated and can be used like this:

docker build --pull --no-cache -t <your tag>