Guessing Game

Instructions to play the game

  1. Visit
  2. Replace your-guess-number with a number
  3. If it says "Your guess is too low" on the screen, update the your-guess-number in address URL with a larger number and enter
  4. If it says "Your guess is too high" on the screen, update the your-guess-number in address URL with a larger number and enter
  5. If it says "Missing guess parameter" on the screen, add a guess query parameter to the URL in address bar as in step 1
  6. Repeat until you see the text "Congratulations - You are right". When you do, congratulations you have made the guess

Instrctions to run the project on your local machine

  1. Install XAMPP
  2. On your terminal, change the working directory to htdocs folder (whereve it is on your OS)
  3. Run git clone
  4. Run cd guessing-game, or code guessing-game to open it on VS Code
  5. Start the server on XAMPP and visit http://localhost:<port-server-is-runnint-on>
  6. Now you can edit, preview, and test the code