
Twitter, with its public discussion model, is a good platform to perform such analysis. With Twitter’s topic structure in mind, the problem can be stated as: knowing current (and previous) tweet activity for a hashtag, can we predict its tweet activity in the future? More specifically, can we predict if it will become more popular and if so by how much? In this project, we will try to formulate and solve an instance of such problems.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

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Twitter, with its public discussion model, is a good platform to perform such analysis. With Twitter’s topic structure in mind, the problem can be stated as: knowing current (and previous) tweet activity for a hashtag, can we predict its tweet activity in the future? More specifically, can we predict if it will become more popular and if so by how much? In this project, we will try to formulate and solve an instance of such problems.

The available Twitter data is collected by querying popular hashtags related to the 2015 Super Bowl spanning a period starting from 2 weeks before the game to a week after the game. We will use data from some of the related hashtags to train a regression model and then use the model to make predictions for other hashtags. To train the model, we need to prepare training sets out of the data, extract features for them, and then fit a regression model on it. The regression model will try to fit a curve through observed values of features and outcomes to create a predictor for new samples. Designing and choosing good features is one of the most important steps in this process and is essential to getting a more accurate system. There are examples of such analysis and useful features in literature.