
Sort socks into pairs using deep learning image classification and Kafka stream processing

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Sock Sort


Sort socks into pairs using deep learning image classification and Kafka stream processing


Image Preparation

Image prep

Prepare a dataset of sock images in ImageRecord format. Further references here and here

First, we need to generate a .lst file, i.e. a list of these images containing label and filename information.

cd 10-image-preparation

Setup Python and download im2rec.py

python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
pip install mxnet opencv-python
curl --output im2rec.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/master/tools/im2rec.py

Remove any existing files

rm -f *.lst *.rec *.idx

Create dataset of sock images in ImageRecord format

python im2rec.py --list  --train-ratio 0.8   --recursive ./sock-images_rec sock-images/


class-confluent 0
class-databricks 1
class-github 2
class-google 3
class-mongo 4
class-streamset 5

After the execution, you find files sock-images_rec_train.lst and sock-images_rec_val.lst generated.

wc -l *.lst
544 sock-images_rec_train.lst
137 sock-images_rec_val.lst
681 total

With this file, the next step is:

python im2rec.py   --resize 512   --center-crop   --num-thread 4 ./sock-images_rec ./sock-images/

It gives you four more files: (sock-images_rec_train.idx, sock-images_rec_train.rec, sock-images_rec_val.idx, sock-images_rec_val.rec). Now, you can use them to train!

 aws s3 cp . s3://deeplens-sagemaker-socksort --exclude "*" --include "*.idx"  --include "*.rec"  --include "*.lst" --recursive

Model Training

Image prep

Now we want to train an image classification model that can classify sock images. We will use transfer learning mode using AWS Sagemaker. We can launch a Sagemaker notebook for image classification algorithm in transfer learning mode to fine-tune a pre-trained model (trained on sock images data) to learn to classify a new dataset. A more extensive explanation here

The steps here are

  • Import the sock dataset as a recordio format.
  • Build an image classification model
  • Deploy a temporary classifier to test the inference function
  • Test a few demonstration images can be correctly classified

Download test image and Evaluate

All going well you should have a model file ${S3_BUCKET}/ic-transfer-learning/output/image-classification-${DATE}/output/model.tar.gz

Deeplens Lambda Function

Image prep

Now to the the Deeplens Greengrass Lambda Function. That is, we need to build, publish and deploy the Sock Sort AWS DeepLens Inference Lambda Function

Steps to build sock_deeplens_inference_function.zip

cd 30-deeplens-greengrass-lambda
mkdir package_deeplens_inference_function
pip install --target ./package_deeplens_inference_function paho-mqtt
cd package_deeplens_inference_function
wget https://docs.aws.amazon.com/deeplens/latest/dg/samples/deeplens_inference_function_template.zip
unzip deeplens_inference_function_template.zip
rm deeplens_inference_function_template.zip
cp ../deeplens_inference.py	.
cp ../sock_labels.txt .
cp ../mqttconfig.py . # optional
zip -r9 ${OLDPWD}/sock_deeplens_inference_function.zip .
cd ..
ls  sock_deeplens_inference_function.zip

Load object classification model to DeepLens

To transfer the object classification model in SageMaker and import it to DeepLens follow these instructions

Publish Sock Sort AWS DeepLens Inference Lambda Function

See here for a step by step guide


Image prep

Open a browser and navigate to https://<local-ip-address-of-deep-lens>:4000/

Image prep

Sock Stream Sorting using ksqlDB and Kafka

Load MQTT into Kafka using Kafka Connect

ksqlDB Stream Processing

Kafka Connect MQTT Source into Kafka

Our next task is to stream the sock identification messages from MQTT into Kafka

docker-compose up -d


mosquitto_sub -h ${MQTT_HOST} -p ${MQTT_PORT} -u ${MQTT_USER} -P ${MQTT_PASS} -t sockfound
{"image": "Blank", "probability": 37.59765625}
{"image": "Blank", "probability": 41.162109375}
{"image": "Google", "probability": 97.314453125}
{"image": "Google", "probability": 94.970703125}
{"image": "Google", "probability": 64.6484375}
{"image": "Blank", "probability": 67.3828125}
{"image": "Blank", "probability": 50.634765625}
{"image": "Running Science", "probability": 33.69140625}
{"image": "Running Science", "probability": 51.806640625}


List available plugs - ensure MQTT is visible

curl -s -X GET http://localhost:8083/connector-plugins | jq '.'

Amongst other drivers you'll want to see

  . . . 
    "class": "io.confluent.connect.mqtt.MqttSourceConnector",
    "type": "source",
    "version": ""
  . . . 

ksqlDB CLI

docker-compose exec ksql-cli ksql http://ksql-server:8088

Kafka Connect via ksqlDB



Check incoming records

kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic data_mqtt --from-beginning

All going well you'll see payloads like this

{"image": "Running Science", "probability": 43.994140625}
{"image": "Mongo", "probability": 50.29296875}
{"image": "Mongo", "probability": 86.279296875}
{"image": "Mongo", "probability": 53.076171875}

Stream of Socks Found

But in realatity

ksqlDB Stream of Messages

-- Creata stream for the MQTT topic
create stream sock_stream(image varchar, probability double) 
with (kafka_topic='data_mqtt',  value_format='json');

-- Bucket sock images into windows of 5 seconds
create table sock_stream_smoothed as
select image
, timestamptostring(windowstart(), 'hh:mm:ss') as last_seen
, windowstart() as window_start
from sock_stream
window tumbling (size 5 seconds)
where image != 'blank'
group by image having count(*) > 3
emit changes;

-- Find pairs of socks (socks appearing in even numbers)
select image
, case when (count(*)/2)*2 = count(*) then 'Pair' else 'Un-matched' end  as pair_seen
, count(*) as number_socks_seen
from sock_stream_smoothed 
group by image 
emit changes;