- 1
- 1
- 2
- 0
Clean up folder architecture
#94 opened by nadvolod - 0
- 0
- 0
When session fails to create the status update from the listener throws an exception.
#40 opened by mehmetg - 7
- 2
Issue with TestNG + Maven configuration
#37 opened by marutiprasad - 0
- 2
maven sauce connect plugin not found in repo
#50 opened by manolo - 1
- 0
Add a SauceLabs.stopSession() method
#85 opened by nadvolod - 0
Add logging to this method public static JavaScriptInvokerImpl create(WebDriver driver)
#82 opened by nadvolod - 0
- 0
- 3
- 1
- 2
Sauce Connect Maven Plugin is out of date
#48 opened by ibmer921150 - 1
sauce-connect-plugin fails maven builds on JDK9
#49 opened by vlukashov - 0
- 3
- 1
UNable to delete PID file causes subsequent invocations to fail until file is manually deleted.
#47 opened by eddiewebb - 1
- 1
Error closing result stream session id is null when running testng tests in parallel
#41 opened by deanml - 3
sauce-connect-plugin proxy support
#38 opened by hennr - 2
Does not support data-driven tests
#11 opened by srigor - 2
maven sauce-connect-plugin
#19 opened by mariusrugan - 5
- 1
TestNG listener @Listeners({SauceOnDemandTestListener.class}) only works when the tests are methods oriented
#24 opened by theCampbell - 1
TestWatcher proxy support
#28 opened by dankirberger - 3
- 2
I need sauce connect 4.3.9
#23 opened by RubenRose - 2
Make v2.1.11 available on the Central Repository
#21 opened by andham - 3
sauce-connect-plugin isn't in Maven Central
#18 opened by chrisdoble - 9
Inconsistent ENV names
#13 opened by bootstraponline - 3
- 2
com.saucelabs.testng.WebDriverTest Not Found
#7 opened by imurchie - 3
Control build output for maven build
#4 opened by ostewart - 1
Compilation Issues
#5 opened by rivlinp - 1
Add support to Parallelized runner to enable test methods to be run in parallel
#3 opened by rossrowe - 2