Users should be able to:
- Generate the secured password to be safe from hacking
- Solution URL: Github Code
- Live Site URL: Live site
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- CSS Flex
- Desktop-first workflow
- Vanilla JavaScript
- JavaScript Number Methods - This helped me to convert the string into the number.
- HTML DOM Document querySelector - This helped me to select the classes from html.
- EventListener - This helped me to listen the click event to perform calculation.
- The Math Object
- If else statements
- Logical Operator
- For Loops
- Website - Saugat Rimal
- Facebook - Saugat Rimal
- LinkedIn - Saugat Rimal
- Instagram - Saugat Rimal
You can use this password generator for making your accounts secured.You can generate a password of 6 to 25 words containing letters, symbols, and numbers. As well as you can also define your own length of the password from 6 words to 25 words.
Hope it will be useful and you will love it. ❤️
Note This is an opensourse project so feel free to add any kinds of features and function you like.!! Hope you will make it perfect.