The first thing I learned was fetch() method, which is an experimental method that can replace ajax request.
fetch(endpoint) // returns a promise
.then(res => res.json()) // also returns a promise
.then(data => data); // return an array of objects
fetch() takes one argument which is the endpoint’s url. This returns a promise which several method that you can use to process the data. For this example we used .json() which also returns a promise (I know) so we need to use .then() once again. Now we finally have our data!
Regex was also covered. If you want to create a regular expression that changed depending on a variable value you can do it very simply like this:
const regex = new RegExp(variableName, 'gi');
There was one more regex that just blew my mind. It took a number and added , after every three digits (converted 1000000 to 1,000,000):
function numberWithCommas(x) {
return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
Checkout the code from the repo.