
Send email with ease.

Project Details

This web app enabled users to send an email from within the app. The app uses Mialgun and Sendgrd to send emails. The app first try to send the email through Mailgun and if in case it fails it will try to send through Sendgrid again. If it still fails the app will show an error message to an user.

I've create simple NodeJS server to send emails. You can find the source code for the server in my another repo here MailGrid Server

Please be noticed tha, since the Mailgun and Sendgrid account that I've used is sandbox account, the email sending will fail. I will have to manually add varyfied email accounts to may Mailgun and Sendgrid account.

Tech stack

  • Single page application of web using ReactJS app link MailGrid and github link MailGrid Web
  • Simple NodeJS server using NestJS, github repo MailGrid Server
  • Netlify for hosting client app
  • Heroku for hosting NodeJS server

Links to other projects that I've worked on

Install the dependencies

yarn or yarn install

Update enviroment variables

Create a .env file at the root directory by copying the .env.example and update the values

Run application

yarn start

This should run the application locally on port http://localhost:3000

Build the application

yarn build

This will create a build directory at the root level and put the productino code in it from where you can serve for production