It consists of 4 weeks of theory and practice and 4 weeks of hands-on projects. This course covers different subjects like Python for Data Science (NumPy, Pandas), Data Preparation, Preprocessing, Data Analysis, Visualization Tools. In addition, the ML algorithms are focused mainly in supervised methods that are commonly employed in practice. Unsupervised learning and cluster analysis methods are also covered.
- Numbers
- Booleans
- Strings
- Lists
- Dicts
- Tuples
- Sets
- Iterables and Iterators
- Global and local variables
- Intro to OOP in Python
- Write a function that uses different Data Types
- Loop over an iterable
- Create a Class with instance attributes
- Overview
- Map function
- Arrays
- Data Types
- Mathematical Operations
- Filter function
- Numpy broadcasting
- Python connection to SQL database
- Read a file and create a list of lines length
- Convert functions to lambda functions
- Evaluate NumPy array operations
- Parsing HTML
- Requests Examples
- DataFrames
- Series
- Columns
- Concatenate and Merge
- Web Scraping with Selenium
- Read files to DFs
- Reshape and pivoting
- Create a DF from a scraped URL
- Missing
- Dtypes
- Homogeneity
- Duplicates
- Categorical Encoding
- One-Hot Encoding
- Text Representation
- Feature Scaling
- sklearn transformation pipelines
- Feature Engineering
- Clean a data source
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Bokeh
- Descriptive Stats
- Categorical Data
- Plotly
- Tableau
- Power BI
- Plotting exercise
- Continuous data
- Correlation Bi/Multivariate
- Mutual Information
- t-SNE
- Perform an EDA on a dataset
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Neural Networks
- Random Forest
- Boosting
- Hyperparameters Search
- Performance Metrics
- Cross-Validation
- Naive Bayes
- Support Vector Machines
- Deep Neural Networks
- Train a classification model
- Train a regression model
- K-means
- Spectral Clustering
- Gaussian Mixtures
- Model Evaluation
- Introduction
- Market Basket Analysis
- Agglomerative Clustering
- SOM (Self-Organizing-Maps)
- Perform a cluster analysis using at least two different methods