
EMMO domain ontology to describe crystallography.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

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Crystallography Domain Ontology

A crystallography domain ontology based on EMMO and the CIF core dictionary. It is implemented as a formal language.


  • Proposal
  • accepted, under development
  • official

This domain ontology is work-in-progress (WIP), it is in the process of being accepted as a task group by the EMMC.

  • Application submitted: 15 June 2020
  • Application accepted on: TBD

Imported Ontologies

This ontology builds on top of EMMO. See the following table for version compatibilies:

Imported Ontologies Version
EMMO 1.0.0-beta
CIF-ontology 0.1.0

Obtaining the Crystallography Domain Ontology

The Crystallography Domain Ontology can be access or opened in Protege using the following url


It can also be cloned from its GitHub repository. With ssh access to GitHub set up, the Crystallography Domain Ontology can be cloned with

git clone git@github.com:emmo-repo/domain-crystallography.git

In EMMO-python correct import is obatined with

from emmo import get_ontology

# Loading crystallography from local repository
cryst = get_ontology('/path/to/crystallography.ttl').load()

# Loading crystallography from web
cryst = get_ontology('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emmo-repo/domain-crystallography/master/crystallography.ttl').load()

Attributions and credits

The Crystallography Domain Ontology is developed and maintained by the EMMC Crystallography Domain Ontology Task Group within the EMMC Focus Area Interoperability.


  • Jesper Friis, SINTEF
  • Francesca Lønstad Bleken, SINTEF
  • Casper Welzel Andersen, EPFL


  • Demystify ontologies - Internal project at SINTEF
  • OntoTrans; Grant Agreement No: 862136
  • MarketPlace; Grant Agreement No: 760173
  • BIG-MAP; Grant Agreement No: 957189


The crystallography domain ontology is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0).