
Polycade Engineering Node.js REST API Challenge

Our apps need to query and store lots of information. We want to make sure that you have a good understanding of JavaScript and Node.js fundamentals. Can you build a simple API that can read data from and write data to a PostgreSQL database with Node.js?

The Challenge

Build a REST API that will allow Polycade to manage pricing individually on machines remotely with the following:

  • Endpoints
    • GET /pricing-models
      • returns all of the pricing models available for the system
      • also returns the default pricing model in prices.json
    • POST /pricing-models
      • creates a new pricing model in the system
      • returns the ID of the new pricing model to the caller
    • GET /pricing-models/:pm-id
      • get an individual pricing model
      • include the price configurations for the pricing model
      • if the pricing model isn't found by pm-id it responds with not found
    • PUT /pricing-models/:pm-id
      • updates an existing pricing model meta-data
      • does not affect the pricing configurations for the pricing model
    • GET /pricing-models/:pm-id/prices
      • returns the prices configured for a specific pricing model

Note: Assumed 'not found' when the pricing model isn't found by pm-id

  • POST /pricing-models/:pm-id/prices
    • adds a new price configuration for a pricing model
  • DELETE /pricing-models/:pm-id/prices/:price-id
    • removes a price configuration from a pricing model
    • if the pricing model isn't found by pm-id it responds with not found
    • if the price configuration isn't found by price-id it responds with not found
  • PUT /machines/:machine-id/prices/:pm-id
    • sets the pricing model for an individual machine to the one from pm-id
    • if the machine already has a pricing model, it is replaced by this one
    • if the machine isn't found by machine-id it responds with not found
    • if the pricing model isn't found by pm-id it responds with not found
  • DELETE /machines/:machine-id/prices/:pm-id
    • removes the pricing model from the machine (unsets it)
  • GET /machines/:machine-id/prices
    • return the pricing model and price configurations set for a given machine
    • if the machine does not have a pricing model configured then the default model from prices.json is returned
    • if the machine isn't found by machine-id it responds with not found
  • Tests
    • Each endpoint should have its own test


How to attempt this challenge:

  1. Create a new repo in your account and note the git url
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Solve the challenge
  4. Set your new repo as the origin: git remote set-url origin ${your repo url}
  5. Push your solution to your repo

You must follow these steps for your solution to be accepted -- forks or other methods will not be considered.