
Touch Interface for Home Assistant

Primary LanguageHTML


A touch based interface for HomeAssistant based on the AdminLTE dashboard template.


I've been throwing a lot of code at this project recently and have not updated this README file in quite some time. Installation instructions, etc may not be accurate at this time. I'll get it updated once I slow down a bit on making changes to the installation and configuration procedures.

This is still an early prototype

This is an early prototype. The code is a spaghetti dumpster fire mess. Lots of code is still default AdminLTE templates. The vue.js stuff is flaky. There's not a lot of components. It's not very modular yet. The GitHub Issues page has been populated with a number of issues/enhancements. Issues with the help wanted label are things I'm not sure how to do, so unless someone from the community picks them up, they probably aren't getting done anytime soon. Feel free to pick up any other issues as well if you want to tackle it.


  1. You will need npm and the webpack npm module.
  2. Clone the repo and stick it in a publically accessible folder on a webserver.
  3. Update the config.js file to point to your HomeAssistant installation. Your HomeAssistant installation must list the IP or subnet of your webserver as a trusted network.
  4. Modify the different pages under src/pages and update entities['sensor.xyz'] references to match entities within your HomeAssistant installation. If the page has any references to entities that don't exist, you'll probably get a blank page. Check your browser dev tools for more info if that happens.
  5. Run npm install
  6. Run webpack --progress to build the main javascript file. (The path to webpack will depend on how you installed the webpack module with npm)

Any time you make changes to a page you will have to re-run webpack!