
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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Note: This repo can be found on npm here: cpu-stat

Note: This repo can be found on github here: node-cpu-stat

Note: This module only relies on the os module, so it should be compatible on all OS's where Node.js runs.


npm install cpu-stat


Require the module:

var cpuStat = require('cpu-stat');

By default usagePercent() returns cpu usage percent for all cores over a period of the next 1000ms:

cpuStat.usagePercent(function(err, percent, seconds) {
    if (err) {
      return console.log(err);

    //the percentage cpu usage over all cores

    //the approximate number of seconds the sample was taken over

Get the cpu usage percent for core 0 over a sample period of 2000ms:

    coreIndex: 0,
    sampleMs: 2000,
  function(err, percent, seconds) {
    if (err) {
      return console.log(err);

    //the percentage cpu usage for core 0

    //the approximate number of seconds the sample was taken over (~2 seconds)

Get the total number of cores:

var totalCores = cpuStat.totalCores();

Get the average clock MHz over all cores:

var avgClockMHz = cpuStat.avgClockMHz();

Get the clock MHz for core with index 2:

var avgClockMHzCore2 = cpuStat.clockMHz(2);

usagePercent([opts,] cb)

Provides a callback cb(err, percent, seconds) giving the percent cpu usage and seconds the length of the sample time, or an error err

Option Type Default Explanation
opts Object see below Options object, specify what you need the defaults will be filled in
opts.coreIndex Number all cores The index of the core to calculate the usage on. Can use any integer coreIndex such that 0 >= coreIndex < memStat.totalCores()
opts.sampleMs String 1000 sampleMs is the amount of time to take the measurement over
cb Function none Callback which has signature cb(err, percent, seconds)


Returns the total number of cores available on the cpu


Returns the clock speed in MHz of core with index coreIndex

Option Type Default Explanation
coreIndex Number none The index of the core to calculate the usage on. Can use any integer coreIndex such that 0 >= coreIndex < memStat.totalCores()


Returns the average clock speed in MHz over all cores


Just send a PR, or create an issue if you are not sure.

Areas ripe for contribution:

  • testing
  • performance
  • bugs

Other Stat Modules

Note: net-stat, disk-stat, mem-stat only work on nix platforms.
