
Plotting pie chart and bubble chart of Twitter users based on their interests such as Sports, Education, Food etc.

Primary LanguagePython

To run this application, the user must setup a Twitter API account. Registering with the service will provide an access to the 
authentication keys.

The user must have their own set of keys namely :

Twitter API token
Twitter API secret token
Twitter API key
Twitter API secret key


The file Categories_List must be included in the same directory of the python file. This file contains user interest classifications namely politics, finance, travel, technology, history, food, entertainment, shopping and education and words associated with each category into separate columns. 


After this initial setup has been done, we can run the code. 
Input the twitter ID of the user you whose interest identification you want to find out.
Click execute button and wait till a pop up box appears which says "Results generated successfully"
Click on the "Show Pie Chart" to view the pie chart classification.
Click on the "Show Bubble Chart" to view the hashtag analytics.

The above two plots will help give the user an idea regarding the inclinations and likings of the twitter user. 

The "Quit" button exits the application.