
Fuzzy keyword search over encrypted data in cloud computing

Primary LanguageCSS

Algorithm(without user registration ..by php)

  1. User upload the file. (upload.php)
  2. The uploaded file is encrpted (encrpt.php) // this is function to merge java
  3. The uploaded files stored in database(store.php)
  4. the file decrpted (showfile.php->decript.php->download.php) // this is function
  5. downloaded(download.php)

Algorith with user registraion 1.Register user(reg.php, check.php) i.e:check is something to check user exist 1.(A).Dashboard(dashboard.php) 1(B). User upload the file. (upload.php) * 2. The uploaded file is encrpted (encrpt.php) * 3. The uploaded files stored in database(store.php) * 4. the file decrpted (showfile.php->decript.php->download.php) * 5. downloaded(download.php) * Note: * check the user log in change the access level public to private