
Bomberman game made in python without the use of pygame/ncurses.

Primary LanguagePython

**BOMBERMAN GAME created as part of the SSAD course for the 3rd semester.

**The game can be started by typing "python controller.py" on your terminal and can be played by using the controls:

Basic Controls ::

	Move left -> a
	Move right -> d
	Move up -> w
	Move down -> s
	Drop bomb -> b
	Quit -> q

=>All enemies move at a constant speed whereas bomberman moves at varying speed

=>Enemies continue to move irrespective of whether the bomberman moves.

=>If you destroy an enemy 100 points are awarded, the game is won at 400 points.

=>As soon as you touch an enemy game stops and you lose and your final score is displayed.

=>You will get only 1 life to play the game.

=>You can press q at any point of the game to stop the game.

**The game has been made without the use of pygame or ncurses library and solely relies on the OOPS concepts and some hard-coding the basic stuff. The source code follows the OOPS concepts i.e., 1.Encapsulation 2.Modularity 3.Polymorphism 4.Inheritance , at various steps in the process.

**The code has been commented for people who wish to understand the source code of the game to provide them with a better understanding of what has been done to make the game work.

**Hope you like the game and enjoy while playing it.

Saurabh Chand Ramola 20161106 CSD