saurabh-rvce's Stars
Computer Networks. Making a SSH client using WebSockets.
Voice-Based Home automation system
Implementing a naive bayes classifier from scratch with k-fold validation and randomized boosting to classify house votes data .
Our project is an online movie booking website where a user can register, login, and book tickets for a movie of their choice. The user can choose the language of the movie, the date and timings of the movie, the theatre in which they want to watch it and the seats of their choice after which the seats become unavailable for the next user. The bill is generated at the end. Our project demonstrates the use of different web technologies through which we can make a web-page more dynamic.
The project involved making a mock elective registration website for our university.
A teaching tool that can be used for easy visualization of Dijkstra's algorithm.
This is a project in cryptography that involves implementing image encryption using various chaos maps and comparing their merits based on key sensitivity,
Using machine learning models to predict the probability of a windows system getting infected by various families of malware, based on different properties of that system.
This project is an exploration of program translation using compiler design techniques.
Jedi football robot is an image-processing robot made with Raspberry Pi 3. The robot detects the ball, detects the goal and transfers the ball to the goal.