
Utility scripts for editing or modifying onnx models. Utility scripts to summarize onnx model files along with visualization for loop operator body.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Utility scripts for editing or modifying onnx models. The script edits and modifies an onnx model to extract a subgraph based on input/output node names and shapes.

usage: onnx_edit.py [-h] [--inputs INPUTS] [--outputs OUTPUTS] [--skipverify] input output

positional arguments:

input input onnx model
output output onnx model

optional arguments:

-h, --help show this help message and exit

--inputs INPUTS comma separated model input names appended with shapes, e.g. --inputs nodename1[1,2,3],nodename2[1,2,3]

--outputs OUTPUTS comma separated model output names appended with shapes, e.g. --outputs outnodename1[1,2,3],outnodename2[1,2,3]

--skipverify skip verification of model. Useful if shapes are not known


usage: onnx_summarize.py [-h] input

Creates a summary of operators in the input onnx file and also dumps each loop body as an onnx file and also creates summary for each such loop body.

positional arguments: input input onnx model