
Android Developer NanoDegree Project 1

Primary LanguageJava

Android Developer NanoDegree

Project 1 - Popular Movies Stage 1

This is an Android Application developed by me (Saurabh Agrawal), as an academic requirement for the Udacity's Android Developer NanoDegree Program.

Guide to run the App

The App uses themoviedb.org API for getting the movie data. It requires an API key to query for the data. The API key can be entered in line number 88 of src/MovieGridActivity.java Just replace "Keys.API_KEY" with your Key.


The icons/images used in the App (stored in src/res/drawable folder) are taken from: http://www.iconarchive.com/show/whistlepuff-icons-by-firstfear/pictures-icon.html http://www.iconarchive.com/show/origami-colored-pencil-icons-by-double-j-design/red-cross-icon.html http://www.iconarchive.com/show/oxygen-icons-by-oxygen-icons.org/Actions-rating-icon.html http://www.iconarchive.com/show/oxygen-icons-by-oxygen-icons.org/Actions-go-jump-today-icon.html