
An example of how to use AWS Cloud Development Kit to setup an AWS App Mesh service mesh in AWS Elastic Container Service

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple AWS Cloud Development Kit app example that shows how to deploy an App Mesh powered service mesh that links three services:

The microservices are connected like this:


  • A public facing load balancer distributes traffic from the general public to the front facing greeter service.
  • The greeter services uses App Mesh and an Envoy Proxy sidecar to establish a service mesh that allows it to directly fetch from the greeting and name service containers

You can see the full CDK app that deploys this architecture here: index.js


Clone the repository, and ensure that you have Node.js installed on your development machine.

Run npm install to install the project dependencies

Run npm run-script deploy to deploy the project on your AWS account. After a few minutes you will be given a URL of the running application. You may also need to run an initial bootstrap command if you have never used AWS CDK on your AWS account before. The CDK tool will tell you the command to run if necessary.