
Test your mouf skills !

Primary LanguagePHP

CRUD Test on Mouf

Hi there! If you are reading these lines, it surely means we are close to count you among TheCodingMachine's developper team.

As we surely said already before, we work alot with our HomeBrewed Framework called Mouf. Therefore here is a simple CRUD (CReate Read Update Delete) test about cars (I know, we could have found a more funny example :))


You will need PHP 7, Apache 2.4, and MySQL installed to proceed.


To achieve this test, you will need basic skills in :

  • Git
  • PHP
  • Javascript (Angular of JQuery)

Moreover, which is quite important to us, you will also need to e skilled in discovering and learning Mouf. No worries, there is plenty of documentation to help you install the framework, and to teach you how to use the 2 main packages required to code this example :

Install the test project

Please fork this repository : http://git.thecodingmachine.com/tcm-projects/mouf-test.git in fact, you may have done thas already as you are reading this project's README file :).

Create a database for your project (we'll assume you named it 'test_mouf'). Then run the following SQL statements against the database :

CREATE TABLE `brands` (
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `logo` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

  `id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `brand_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL,
  `max_speed` int(11) NOT NULL
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;

ALTER TABLE `brands`

  ADD KEY `brand_id` (`brand_id`);

ALTER TABLE `brands`
-- AUTO_INCREMENT for table `cars`

  ADD CONSTRAINT `cars_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`brand_id`) REFERENCES `brands` (`id`);

In order to complete the installation of Mouf, you will have to enter the configuration settings (DB_*):

  • DB_HOST: should be localhost
  • DB_PORT: leave empty for MySQL default port
  • DB_NAME: the name of the database (test_mouf)
  • DB_USERNAME: your mysql user name
  • DB_PASSWORD: your mysql password

Please follow Mouf's installation steps (have a look at the documentation link aove). Once done, the /vendor/mouf/mouf page should show no errors: Mouf

Also, if you take a look to the project's files, you will see, among others, the following files:

  • src your php classes are here
    • MoufTest root namespace for the project
      • Controllers controllers should be placed here
        • RootController.php
      • Model Your model
        • Bean Reflect the Table rows
        • Dao perform requests to the DB
  • views store the VIEWS called by your Controllers
    • root
      • index.twig the view called to display the Splash welcome screen

You shoud see the Splash welcome page on your application's ROOT url (ex: http://localhost/mouf-test/) : Splash

If you have gone so far and everything is ok, it means you are ready to code, congratulations !

What you should achieve

Basically, we want ou to implement 2 screens :

  • Cars list : a paginated and filterable list of cars. A car may be removed from that list
  • Car form : add or update a car. Some controls are applied on the form

Car list


Car form


These screens should be coded in a NEW controller called CarController please do not use the existing RootController. Most likelly you will need to code JavaScript. Please create a dedicated JS file in src/public/js and add it to the template using the WebLibraryManager (see documentation link above).

If you have any troubles installing the project, or any other question, please feel free to contact us at rh@thecodingmachine.com, for a quick response please contact Kevin - kevin.nguyen.tcm or Xavier - x.huberty on skype !

At the end, please open a pull request on gitlab to submit your work.

Happy Coding !