
ProdPortfoilioReactThreeFibre my portfolio webiste

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Overview Welcome to my personal portfolio website! This website serves as a showcase of my skills, experiences, and projects as a full-stack developer. It is designed to provide visitors with insights into my technical expertise, showcase the projects I've worked on, and offer a glimpse into my passion for crafting exceptional user experiences.

Technologies Used 1- React: The website is built using the React JavaScript library, allowing for the creation of dynamic and responsive user interfaces. 2- Three.js: The 3D graphics and animations on the website are powered by Three.js, a JavaScript library for creating 3D content in web browsers.

Here's how the website looks- https://github.com/saurabhgrewal718/ProdPortfoilioReactThreeFibre/assets/35875731/f5ce11c9-3bbb-4b3d-b443-3ea14bb5906a

Features Interactive 3D Elements: The website features interactive 3D elements powered by Three.js, creating a visually engaging and immersive experience for visitors.

Portfolio Showcase: A dedicated section provides details about my skills, experiences, and the technologies I specialize in. This includes my proficiency in Angular, Spring Boot, Node.js, and showcases three impressive production-grade applications I've deployed. Project Display:

The website highlights some of my key projects, giving visitors a deeper understanding of my development capabilities. Each project card includes details about the technologies used and a link to the GitHub repository for more information. GitHub Integration:

To provide additional context and details about my coding expertise, there is a direct link to my GitHub profile. Visitors can explore my repositories to gain more insights into my coding style and explore additional projects.


Feel free to explore the various sections of the website:

Home: A brief introduction to who I am and what I'm passionate about.

About Me: Detailed information about my skills, experiences, and the technologies I work with.

Projects: Showcase of key projects I've worked on, along with links to their GitHub repositories.

GitHub: Direct link to my GitHub profile for a comprehensive view of my coding contributions.

How to Run Locally Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/saurabhgrewal/portfolio-website.git

Install dependencies:

cd portfolio-website
npm install

Start the development server:

npm start

The website will be accessible at http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

Feedback and Contributions

I welcome any feedback, suggestions, or contributions! If you find a bug or have an idea for improvement, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request. Thank you for visiting my portfolio website!