PyGWalker can simplify your Jupyter Notebook data analysis and data visualization workflow, by turning your pandas dataframe (and polars dataframe) into a Tableau-style User Interface for visual exploration.
PyGWalker (pronounced like "Pig Walker", just for fun) is named as an abbreviation of "Python binding of Graphic Walker". It integrates Jupyter Notebook (or other jupyter-based notebooks) with Graphic Walker, a different type of open-source alternative to Tableau. It allows data scientists to analyze data and visualize patterns with simple drag-and-drop operations.
In this notebbook i tried to plot charts using different datasets like hotels dtaset, sails datasets.
I also used seaborn datasets already available in.
Dataset was taken from kaggles 2019 Datathon named as travels dataset.
Link -
Screenshots for output are added in screeenshots folder