
Design a project board like Trello or Notion.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Internship Assignment - Frontend

This project is a frontend implementation of a project board similar to Trello or Notion, designed for managing tasks and their statuses.


  • Drag and Drop: Users can drag and drop tasks/cards from one status to another for easy management.
  • Add Tasks: Users can add tasks using the "New" button under any status.
  • Task Details: Clicking on a task opens a new page where users can change the title, status, and description of the task. Tasks can also be deleted from the details page.
  • Local Storage: Information is stored in local storage for persistence or can use JSONPlaceholder for API integration.
  • Card Count: The board displays the count of cards under each status for better organization.


  • Framework: Preferably developed using Nuxt.js for server-side rendering and SEO benefits.
  • CSS Framework: Utilize any CSS framework for styling purposes to enhance the UI.

Submission Guidelines

  • Live Hosting: Host the project live on a platform like Netlify or GitHub Pages to make it accessible.
  • GitHub Link: Share the GitHub repository link for reviewing the codebase and project structure.

Brownie Points

  • Add New Status: Implement the option to add a new status dynamically to customize the board.
  • UI Design: Design a visually appealing user interface resembling the provided screenshot for a better user experience.

Thank you for considering this assignment!