
Primary LanguageJava

udemy-dl for Windows

A windows utility to download videos from udemy for personal offline use, based on https://github.com/nishad/udemy-dl.

For Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10) 32 & 64 bit


You can get the latest release from here.
Download udemy-dl-win-X.X.X.zip

Total downloads Codacy Badge


2.1.2 Latest version downloads


Simply call udemy-dl.exe with the full URL to the course page.

udemy-dl.exe https://www.udemy.com/COURSE_NAME

udemy-dl.exe will ask for your udemy username (email address) and password then start downloading the videos.

By default, udemy-dl.exe will create a subdirectory based on the course name. If you wish to have the files downloaded to a specific location, use the -o \path\to\directory\ parameter.

If you wish, you can include the username/email and password on the command line using the -u and -p parameters.

udemy-dl.exe -u user@domain.com -p $ecRe7w0rd https://www.udemy.com/COURSE_NAME

For information about all available parameters, use the --help parameter

udemy-dl.exe --help

Advanced Usage

usage: udemy-dl [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]
                [--lecture-start LECTURE_START] [--lecture-end LECTURE_END]
                [-o OUTPUT] [-d {aria2c,axel,httpie,curl}] [--use-ffmpeg]
                [-q VIDEO_QUALITY] [-s] [--safe-file-names] [-l] [--debug]

Fetch all the lectures for a udemy course

positional arguments:
  link                  Link for udemy course

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Username / Email
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
  --lecture-start LECTURE_START
                        Lecture to start at (default is 1)
  --lecture-end LECTURE_END
                        Lecture to end at (default is last)
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output directory / text file path (if saving links)
  -d {aria2c,axel,httpie,curl}, --external-downloader {aria2c,axel,httpie,curl}
                        Download with external downloader [aria2c, axel,
                        httpie, curl] (default is aria2c)
  --use-ffmpeg          Download videos from m3u8/hls with ffmpeg
  -q VIDEO_QUALITY, --video-quality VIDEO_QUALITY
                        Select video quality [default is 654321(highest)]
  -s, --save-links      Do not download but save links to a file
  --safe-file-names     Use safe cross-platform filenames
  -l, --list            Just list all of the possible lectures and their ids
  --debug               Enable debug mode
-v, --version Display the version of udemy-dl and exit


For updating components or to latest development version, run update.cmd in the same folder of udemy-dl.exe and curl.exe


 nishad/udemy-dl-windows at Baikal



By default udemy-dl.exe uses aria2c.exe to download the video file. If it is missing it will try curl.exe, and if both these downloaders are missing it will use built in wget function. You can delete area2c.exe if it is not working or wants to use curl.exe.


This tool will use MINOR and PATCH version of https://github.com/nishad/udemy-dl, as MAJOR and MINOR versions, and its own changes as PATCH version. Which will be a dirty approach with http://semver.org/.

For example v 0.2.1 of udemy-dl will be used in v 2.1.X of udemy-dl.exe.