
For an introductory tutorial on how to use Jenkins to build a simple Java application with Maven.

Primary LanguageJava


This repository is for the Build a Java app with Maven tutorial in the Jenkins User Documentation.

The repository contains a simple Java application which outputs the string "Hello world!" and is accompanied by a couple of unit tests to check that the main application works as expected. The results of these tests are saved to a JUnit XML report.


The jenkins directory contains an example of the Jenkinsfile (i.e. Pipeline) you'll be creating yourself during the tutorial and the scripts subdirectory contains a shell script with commands that are executed when Jenkins processes the "Deliver" stage of your Pipeline.

Jenkins pipeline tutorials


The pipeline.xml defines the concourse pipeline. The tasks folder have the tasks or jobs that needs to be completed.

Concourse tutorials

Fly CLI to setup pipeline

  • Fly command to login to local concourse hosted on docker
fly --target tutorial login --concourse-url http://localhost:8080
  • Fly command to sync
fly --target tutorial sync
  • Fly command to setup pipeline
fly -t tutorial set-pipeline -c pipeline.yml -p simple-maven-app