
DEV Community Android App

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

DEV Android 💖

Progress is a little behind the iOS app, and we haven't really given either our full focus, but we suspect things will come together quickly once we do. All issues are welcome to help move the project along via discussion.

Design ethose

We will grow to include more native code over time, but for now we are taking the approach of native shell/web views. This approach lost favor early in iOS days, but I believe it is a very valid approach these days. It is inspired by how Basecamp does things. Our tech stack is a bit different, but the ideas are the same.





By leveraging webviews as much as possible, I think we can make this all pretty awesome and sync up with our web dev work pretty smoothly. And where it makes sense, we can re-implement certain things fully native, or build entirely native features. Life's a journey, not a destination.