git clone https://github.com/sauravtom/hello-world-ethereum-blockchain.git
cd hello-world-ethereum-blockchain
Setup metamask for your browser using this guide
Get some test ethers from the roposten faucet
Make sure you're Metamask account is connected to the Roposten network
Copy the content of
to online Remix IDE. Follow this guide to learn more about Remix IDE -
Inside remix, compile and deploy the smart contract to Roposten Network
⋅⋅⋅Compile the smart contract Hello.sol
from the Compile tab
⋅⋅⋅Deploy the smart contract from the Run tab, after selecting the correct environment as shown
Paste the smart contract address and the abi json to the
file (Use https://jsonformatter.org/ to flatten the abi json object for code cleanliness) -
Save your changes and start a local web server to serve the
using python
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
or node
npm install http-server -g