A Basic Template for A FB Messenger Bot created in Flask
Steps to get up and running:
Create a new FB App https://developers.facebook.com/quickstarts/?platform=web
Create a new FB Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/create
Go to your app and to the messengers tab on the sidebar
Generate a token for your page
In HelloWorldBot.py replace '<ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE>' with that token
In HelloWorldBot.py replace '<VERIFY_TOKEN_HERE>' with any string you like
Deploy your app, you need a https url, so deploying to Heroku is easiest, should work out of the box
Click 'Setup Webhooks' back in the Facebook Developers page (still in the Messenger tab), and the Callback URL should be YOUR_URL + '/webhook'
REMEMBER: It needs to be https
Your Verify Token is the string you chose in step 6
At least check 'messages' in Subscription Fields, others are optional
Verify and Save
If you did it correctly, your page should respond to every message from YOU to the page with "Hello World" Note that this will not work for anyone else until you submit your app for review
Using this as a reference can help: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/messenger-platform/quickstart
No experience with Heroku? Its super easy: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/getting-started-with-python#introduction
This seems like another tutorial that goes more in-depth (although in Node.js but should be fairly easy to translate, maybe?) - https://github.com/jw84/messenger-bot-tutorial
I don't have much more experience with bots than this, but I would be happy to try and answer any questions you have! You can contact me at reparadocs (at) gmail (dot) com