Easy HTTP (Header-only) library implemented using minimum C++11 and Boost.Beast. Allows you to get or provide REST resources available from an application in C ++. Use all the features of the Boost.Beast when constructing queries and answers.
- HTTP 1.0 / 1.1
- Pipeline request
- Used I/O multiplexing model (Asio library implementation)
- Timer manage (default action: Closing connection)
- Server-Sent Events
- Simple way to dynamic add REST resources using regex for path, and anonymous functions
- Support accepted plain and SSL session on the same port
- Boost Libraries >= 1.67.0
More examples is here...
The following notes show the standard syntax for setting up routes and starting a server!
Alias's represent instances of default classes for reactive (select/epool) design.
using namespace _0xdead4ead;
namespace beast = boost::beast;
using HttpSession = http::reactor::_default::session_type;
using HttpListener = http::reactor::_default::listener_type;
Creating a new callback functions storage and route path for GET request with "/" resource:
static const std::regex::flag_type regex_flags = std::regex::ECMAScript;
http::basic_router<HttpSession> router{regex_flags};
router.get("^/$", [](auto request, auto context) {
context.send(make_200<beast::http::string_body>(request, "Main page\n", "text/html"));
router.all("^.*$", [](auto request, auto context) {
context.send(make_404<beast::http::string_body>(request, "Resource is not found\n", "text/html"));
// or so ...
using http::literals::operator""_get;
"^/$"_get.advance(router, [](auto request, auto context) {
// as above...
"^.*$"_all.advance(router, [](auto request, auto context) {
// as above...
It is possible to add multiple handlers for one route. For movement on them std::next
or std::advance
is used:
[](auto /*request*/, auto /*context*/, auto iterator){
// process /a
}, [](auto /*request*/, auto /*context*/){
// process /b
Getting a parameter from a URI. Request send example curl localhost --request 'GET' --request-target '/user/param?y=1992'
using pack = http::param::pack<int>;
[](auto /*request*/, auto /*context*/, auto args){
assert(std::get<0>(args) == 1992);
// or
[](auto /*request*/, auto /*context*/, auto iterator, auto /*args*/){
// process /user
}, [](auto /*request*/, auto /*context*/, auto args){
// process /param
assert(std::get<0>(args) == 1992);
Getting a parameter using a string literal (as above) :
// For value f'n is required c++14
using http::literals::value;
using http::literals::operator""_c;
auto param = router.param<pack>();
[](auto /*request*/, auto /*context*/, auto args){
assert(value(args, 0_c) == 1992);
Create modular, mounted route handlers:
http::basic_router<HttpSession> animals{regex_flags};
animals.get("^/cat$", [](auto request, auto context){ // '/animals/cat'
context.send(make_200<beast::http::string_body>(request, "me-ow\n", "text/html"));
animals.get("^/dog$", [](auto request, auto context){ // '/animals/dog'
context.send(make_200<beast::http::string_body>(request, "aw! aw! Rrrrr\n", "text/html"));
animals.get("^/mouse$", [](auto request, auto context){ // '/animals/mouse'
context.send(make_200<beast::http::string_body>(request, "...\n", "text/html"));
animals.get("^[/]??$", [](auto request, auto context){ // '/animals' or '/animals/'
context.send(make_200<beast::http::string_body>(request, "animals home page\n", "text/html"));
router.use("^/animals$", animals);
Create handlers routes, forming a chain, for the route path:
http::chain_router<HttpSession> books{regex_flags};
.get([](auto request, auto context) {
context.send(make_200<beast::http::string_body>(request, "get a random book\n", "text/html"));
.post([](auto request, auto context) {
context.send(make_200<beast::http::string_body>(request, "add a book\n", "text/html"));
.put([](auto request, auto context) {
context.send(make_200<beast::http::string_body>(request, "update the book\n", "text/html"));
router.use("^/books$", books);
Start listening on
// global namespace
static boost::asio::io_context ioc;
static boost::asio::posix::stream_descriptor out{ioc, ::dup(STDOUT_FILENO)};
const auto& onError = [](auto code, auto from){
out, "From:", from, "Info:", code.message());
const auto& onAccept = [&](auto asioSocket){
out, socket.remote_endpoint().address().to_string(), "connected!");
HttpSession::recv(std::move(asioSocket), router, onError);
auto const address = boost::asio::ip::make_address("");
auto const port = static_cast<unsigned short>(8080);
HttpListener::launch(ioc, {address, port}, onAccept, onError);
Run the I/O service on the requested number of threads:
std::thread t{[](){
// do other work...
- Copyright (c) @Evgeny Tixonow 2018-2019