Semana Omnistack 10

Project Dev Radar developed during the Rocketseat OmniStack Week

🚀 Technologies

Back-end Front-end Mobile
Node.js ReactJS React Native - Expo
MongoDB Axios Axios
Nodemon React Hooks React Hooks
Cors - -
Mongoose - -


To install the dependencies and to execute the Backend, clone the project on your computer an execute:

cd backend
npm install
npm start

To run the React's Frontend use:

cd frontend
npm install
npm start

When the process end, automatically will open the page localhost:3000 on your web browser with de Project Be The Hero.

To test the React Native Mobile, first put your server address (your computer) in the filesrc/services/api.js, and after execute the commands:

# Don't execute the following line if tou have the Expo (CLI) already intalled! 
yarn global add install expo-cli

cd mobile
npm install
npm start

When the proccess end, automatically will open the page localhost:19002. Connect your emulator, or test the app by LAN: Download the Expo app from Play Store or App Store and scan the QR Code.