Kratos was built as a miniature x86 based Operating System to study Systems Programming on the popular x86 architecture. The original v1.0 fork was started as a college project, and subsequent development has been much lazy. However v2.0 boots up the system into Protected-mode, and will ease development and usage by manifold times, once a C-startup is written. I'm thankful to my college friends, my teammates for helping me start this ambitious project. I'm looking forward to continue development on this project, although I'm slightly occupied for now.
Kratos provides a very primitive shell which supports Keyboard I/O, whitespace-handling and basic commands operating on VGA card. More functionality will be added in later releases on the newer 32-bit system.
To build Kratos, please adjust the PATH variables and include file paths. It'll build as a Standard 1.44Mb Floppy Image (Kratos.IMA) and also, as a CD-Image (Kratos.ISO). You can then run these files on Virtualization Software, or burn them to original media and try Kratos out. Have fun! :)