
Sample Repository to learn git essentials


Sample Repository to learn git essentials.

Basic Set Up Commands

cd .../To your project's root directory

Or you can simply create a local git repo with the following command

git init <My_Project_Root_Folder>

Now create a remote repository in your remote server. Suppose the url is https://github.com/sauvikatinnofied/GitTutorials.git. So add your remote with the following command

git remote add origin https://github.com/sauvikatinnofied/GitTutorials.git

Now you can follow the basic commands to for the following purposes.

//add/modify a new/existing file
git add FileThatIsAddedOrModified
git add --all // for adding all affected files

git commit -m 'Your commit message'
git push feat-README-1 // Pushing to a specific brach or you can simply use
git push origin master // or more simply
git push 

Working with Branch and Merging Branches

Creating a new branch

git branch your_new_branch_name

git checkout your_new_branch_name // moves to the newly created branch

Modify/add your files now

git add --all or just simply git add your_files_those_are_added_or_modified git commit -m "New feature added blah! blah! blah!" git push origin your_new_brach_name

Merging Two Branches

git checkout your_merge_to_branch git merge your_merger_from_branch


Suppose you have new feature in feature-2 branch. You are going to add them in master. So your merging commands are git checkout master git merge feature-2

Pushing changes to remote

git add --all git commit -m "Merged feature2 to master" git push origin master