
outdoorsy challenge automated using Cypress

Primary LanguageJavaScript

##Outdoorsy Automation QA Challenge

This repository contains my solution to the Outdoorsy Automation QA Challenge. I used Cypress to write and run the tests. How to Install Cypress

To be able to run the code in this repository, you need to have Cypress installed. Here's how you can install Cypress:

Install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) if you don't already have them installed on your system.

Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to your project directory.

Install Cypress using npm:

$ npm install cypress

Once the installation is complete, you can run the tests using the following command:

$ npx cypress run

##What I Could Have Done Better

Given more time, I would have liked to add more test cases to cover a wider range of scenarios and edge cases. I would also have liked to improve the test code by adding more comments, making it more readable, and making use of Cypress best practices and conventions. Additionally, I would have liked to implement continuous integration and deployment so that the tests can be run automatically whenever changes are pushed to the repository.