Automated tests using Selenium with JS

Some of the tests that I used to automate some manual tests using Selenium WebDriver
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Built With

The tests were build with Selenium WebDriver and the code is JavaScript.

Additional libraries that were used.

  • JavaScript
  • Mocha
  • Mochawesome
  • Chai

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Getting Started

Follow the step-by-step to set up the working enviorment.


Install Node.js from the website

Open CMD Promt and check the version

  • npm
    node --v


Create new test project folder Open CMD terminal and navigate to the directory of the folder (cd /path/)

  1. Once navigated type in the following command

  2. Clone the repo

    npm init
  3. Install NPM package Selenium-Webdriver

    npm install selenium-webdriver
  4. Set up PATH Environmentals Method 2: Setting ChromeDriver Path in Windows Environment Variables • Step 1: Go to My Computer and Right click to get the context menu. MyComputer Properties • Step 2: Click on the Change Setting on the opened window. Change Settings • Step 3: Click on Advance tab and click on Environment Variables.

  5. Select Path under System Variables and click on Edit.

  6. Step 5: At the end of the string use semicolon and paste the path of the ChromeDriver. On my machine my ChromeDriver exe resides in D:\Drivers\

  7. Install NPM package Google Chrome Driver

    Npm install chromedriver
  8. Install NPM Firefox driver

    npm install geckodriver

Install Chai /for assertions/

Install Mocha for test reporting

We can run the code with npx mocha --no-timeouts /Tests/*.js (the path of the tests) 11.1 We can modify the package.json to "scripts": { "test": "mocha --no-timeouts *js" } and then proceed to execute the tests using the "npm test" in the terminal

We can add --parallel to the package.json - npx mocha --no-timeouts --parallel *.js to run tests simunteniously.

Generating test visualization reports with mochawesome

  1. Install NPM Mochawesome
    npm install mochawesome
    update the package.json to include the following:

"scripts": { "test": "mocha --no-timeouts --parallel --reporter mochawesome --require mochawesome/register *.js" },

Run using npm test

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If you have any jobs offers you can reach me at LinkedIn

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  • Add README
  • Update some tests to run in a cloud.
  • Add the tests to Selenium Grid
  • Add some API testing

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Sava Barbarov -

Project Link:

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