This tiny java application generate all size of icon & launch image png files those are required for various version of iOS.
The icon files will be generated from only two png files(one for iOS 7 or higher, another for iOS 6 or lower), or the icon files for all version of iOS can be generated from just one icon file if you do not care the corner of the icon which will be slightly shifted. Maybe only one icon png file will be enough in most cases.
And a square png file(1536 x 1536 pixels) is fine for the launch images. The image will be put in the center of each size of launch images with the color of upper-left point as a background-color. (also you can specify launch image backgroud color with the option.) A square shape is not a requirement, but it's easy way to make universal launch images. Some scaling options are provided for the launch images.
Support output with "Asset Catalogs" format.
Each settings can be specified by using command line options. And generate process can be automated by using command line options with no gui.
Then, add extra feature to generate @3x, @2x, @1x images from one png file. Generate images from dropped file as @3x or to specify @1x size.
Type | iOS Ver | Filename | Width | Height |
Icon | ~6.x | Icon.png | 57 | 57 |
~6.x | Icon@2x.png | 114 | 114 | |
Icon-Small.png | 29 | 29 | ||
Icon-Small@2x.png | 58 | 58 | ||
8.x~ | Icon-Small@3x.png | 87 | 87 | |
7.x~ | Icon-Small-40.png | 40 | 40 | |
7.x~ | Icon-Small-40@2x.png | 80 | 80 | |
8.x~ | Icon-Small-40@3x.png | 120 | 120 | |
~6.x | Icon-Small-50.png | 50 | 50 | |
~6,x | Icon-Small-50@2x.png | 100 | 100 | |
7.x~ | Icon-60@2x.png | 120 | 120 | |
8.x~ | Icon-60@3x.png | 180 | 180 | |
~6.x | Icon-72.png | 72 | 72 | |
~6.x | Icon-72@2x.png | 144 | 144 | |
7.x~ | Icon-76.png | 76 | 76 | |
7.x~ | Icon-76@2x.png | 152 | 152 | |
Launch | ~6.x | Default.png | 320 | 480 |
Default@2x.png | 640 | 960 | ||
Default-568h@2x.png | 640 | 1136 | ||
Default-Portrait~ipad.png | 768 | 1024 | ||
Default-Portrait@2x~ipad.png | 1536 | 2048 | ||
Default-Landscape~ipad.png | 1024 | 768 | ||
Default-Landscape@2x~ipad.png | 2048 | 1536 | ||
(optional) | ~6.x | Default-Portrait.png | 768 | 1004 |
~6.x | Default-Portrait@2x.png | 1536 | 2008 | |
~6.x | Default-Landscape.png | 1024 | 748 | |
~6.x | Default-Landscape@2x.png | 2048 | 1496 | |
Artwork | - | iTunesArtwork | 512 | 512 |
- | iTunesArtwork@2x | 1024 | 1024 |
- JDK 1.6 or later
You can compile this code with pure JDK or Eclipse or Ant or Maven. (Any way you want, this code does not depend on any external libraries.)
Eclipse Java Development Tools (Any version maybe. This code does not depend on any external libraries.)
Ant (Any version maybe. I tested with 1.9.3. Move to the directory same as build.xml on your console and just type 'ant'.)
Maven (Any version maybe. I tested with 3.1.1. Move to the directory same as pom.xml on your console and just type 'mvn clean compile jar:jar'.)
java -jar ios-image-util.jar
or run with main-class.
java -classpath ios-image-util.jar org.gootara.ios.image.util.IOSImageUtil
-h, -help show this help message and exit
-b, -batch run as batch mode (no gui)
-v, -verbose verbose mode (available with batch mode only)
-silent no log (available with batch mode only)
-icon6 "icon png path" iOS 6 icon png file location (full path)
-icon7 "icon png path" iOS 7 icon png file loaction (full path)
-launch "launch image path" launch image png file location (full path)
-output "output directory" output directory location (full path)
-iphoneonly output iPhone images only (default all)
-ipadonly output iPad images only (default all)
-to-status-bar generate 'to-status-bar' launch images
-noasset not generate images as asset catalogs
-lscale [0-5] launch image scaling (default: 4)
0: no resizing (iPhone only)
1: no resizing (iPhone & iPad)
2: fit to the screen height
3: fit to the screen
4: fill screen (prefer long side)
5: fill screen (no aspect ratio)
-lbgcolor [RGB|ARGB] '000000' black, '00FFFFFF' white 100% transparent
-imagetype [0-13] choose image type (@see BufferedImage)
For Image Set: -sp3x Generate @3x, @2x, @1x images from @3x -spSize width:height Generate @3x, @2x, @1x with @1x size (px|%) -spNoReplace Not overwrite if file already exists. -spFile "png path" Image set png file location (full path)
- Change output filenames suitable for the xcode 5.
- "Generate old size of Splash images for iPad" checkbox was added.(optional)
- Add new output option. iPhone only, iPad only or both.
- "Fit iPhone's Splash images to the screen" checkbox was added.
- Change optional output filenames.
- Add two splash scaling options. (No resizing)
- Add build.xml for Ant and pom.xml for Maven.
- Support output with "Asset Catalogs" format.
- Change word: "Splash" -> "Launch"
- Support command line options. Each setting can be specified by using command line options with gui. Also the generate process can be automated by using command line options with no gui.
- Refactoring and performance improvement.
- Add launch image scaling option 'fill screen (prefer long side)' and 'fill screen (no aspect ratio)'.
- Add launch image background color option.
- Add output image type option.
- Update documents.
- Support iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.
- Apple will no longer support Launch Images in the near future, maybe.
- Support Launch Image Retina HD 4.7 and Retina HD 5.5 (both portrait and landscape)
- Simplified User Interface. Just add a surface, but it looks little bit modern, isn't it? :p
- To use SwingWorker thread with generating images.
- Fix problem when maximized.
- Fix build.xml for ant.
- Add image splitter. Generate @3x, @2x, @1x images from one png file.